- pollman
- [ʹpɒl|mæn] n (pl -men [-{ʹpɒl}men]) унив. жарг.
студент, окончивший колледж без отличия (в Кембридже)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pollman — pollˈman noun • • • Main Entry: ↑poll … Useful english dictionary
La viuda Ching, pirata — es un cuento escrito por Jorge Luis Borges, que forma parte de su libro Historia universal de la infamia. Describe la derrota de una pirata poderosa a través de la magia.[1] Contenido 1 Historia de publicación 2 Trama … Wikipedia Español
Tipsy Nipper — T.66 Nipper Swiss Tipsy Nipper at Wroughton, Wiltshire, in July 1992 Role Single seat sporting monopla … Wikipedia
Cecilia Pérez — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cecilia Pérez Díaz Ministra de Planificación y Cooperación de Chile 7 de enero de 2002 – 3 de marzo de 2003 Presidente Ricardo Lagos Escobar … Wikipedia Español
Cecilia Pérez Díaz — Ministra directora del Servicio Nacional de la Mujer de Chile 3 de marzo de 2003 – 11 de marzo de 2006 Presidente Ricardo Lagos Escobar Predecesor … Wikipedia Español
Apis mellifera — Abeille européenne … Wikipédia en Français
Augustine of Hippo — This article is about the theologian and philosopher, Augustine of Hippo. For his theodicy regarding the problem of evil, see Augustinian theodicy. Augustine , Saint Augustine , and Augustinus redirect here. For other uses, see Augustine… … Wikipedia
TUI AG — Infobox Company company name = TUI AG company company type = Aktiengesellschaft (ISIN|DE000TUAG000) foundation = 1923: creation of Preussag 1968: creation of TUI 1998 Acquisition of TUI by Preussag 2002: Preussag AG rename to TUI AG company… … Wikipedia
Carniolan honey bee — Taxobox | name = Carniolan bee |200px|Carniolan honeybee image width = 250px status = secure regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Hymenoptera familia = Apidae genus = Apis species = A. mellifera subspecies = A. m.… … Wikipedia
List of piano makers — This is a list of piano manufacturers. *Aeolian (1868) *Albrecht, Charles (1779) *American Piano Company (1908) *A. Mittag (Berlin, 1800) *Astin Weight (1959) *Babcock (Boston, 1810) *August Forster *Baldwin (1890) *Baus Piano Company *Beale… … Wikipedia
National Women's Service — The National Women s Service (Spanish: Servicio Nacional de la Mujer), or SERNAM is a public service in Chile, a functionally decentralized organization, with its own funding, which is part of the cabinet level Ministry of Planning and… … Wikipedia