- pollen basket
- [ʹpɒlən͵bɑ:skıt] энт.
корзиночка (на задней ножке пчелы)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pollen basket — A European honey bee carries pollen in the pollen basket back to the hive The pollen basket or corbicula is part of the tibia on the hind legs of the four related lineages of apid bees that used to comprise the family Apidae: the honey bees,… … Wikipedia
pollen basket — noun Date: 1860 a smooth area on each hind tibia of a bee that is edged by a fringe of stiff hairs and serves to collect and transport pollen called also corbicula … New Collegiate Dictionary
pollen basket — (of bees) a smooth area on the hind tibia of each leg fringed with long hairs and serving to transport pollen. Also called corbicula. [1855 60] * * * … Universalium
pollen basket — noun Entomology a flattened area fringed with hairs on the hind leg of a social bee, used for carrying pollen … English new terms dictionary
pollen basket — pol′len bas ket n. ent (in bees) a smooth area on the hind tibia of each leg fringed with long hairs and serving to transport pollen Also called corbicula • Etymology: 1855–60 … From formal English to slang
pollen basket — /ˈpɒlən baskət/ (say poluhn bahskuht) noun an area on the leg of a bee adapted for carrying pollen …
pollen basket — noun : a smooth area on each hind tibia of a bee that is edged by a fringe of stiff hairs and serves to collect and transport pollen … Useful english dictionary
pollen basket — see corbicula … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Pollen — Tip of a tulip stamen with many grains of pollen Closeup image of a cac … Wikipedia
Pollen source — The term pollen source is often used in the context of beekeeping and refers to flowering plants as a source of pollen for bees or other insects. Bees collect pollen as a protein source to raise their brood. For the plant, the pollinizer, this… … Wikipedia
pollen brush — noun : a scopa used in collecting pollen; specifically : an arrangement of stiff hairs forming the margin of a pollen basket * * * the mass of stiff hairs on the legs or abdomen of an insect, for collecting pollen. Also called scopa. [1895 1900] … Useful english dictionary