- polity
- [ʹpɒlıtı] n книжн.
1. 1) государственное устройство2) образ или форма правления
civil polity - гражданская форма правления
2. государство3. правительство
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
civil polity - гражданская форма правления
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Polity — Pol i*ty, n.; pl. {Polities}. [L. politia, Gr. ?: cf. F. politie. See 1st {Policy}, {Police}.] 1. The form or constitution of the civil government of a nation or state; the framework or organization by which the various departments of government… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Polity — (Greek: Πολιτεία or Πολίτευμα transliterated as Politeía or Políteuma ) was originally a term used in Ancient Greece to refer to the many Greek city states that had an assembly of citizens as part of the political process. Suffrage did not… … Wikipedia
polity — I noun body politic, civil constitution, commonwealth, constitution, country, course, form of government, fundamental principles of government, line, nation, nationality, plan of action, platform, policy, principles, procedure, program,… … Law dictionary
polity — (n.) 1530s, from Fr. politie (early 15c.), from L.L. polita organized government (see POLICY (Cf. policy)) … Etymology dictionary
polity — means (1) ‘a form or process of civil government or constitution’, and (2) ‘a society or country as a political entity’. It should not be confused with policy, in its meaning ‘a course or principle of action’ … Modern English usage
polity — ► NOUN (pl. polities) 1) a form or process of civil government or constitution. 2) a state as a political entity. ORIGIN Greek politeia citizenship, government … English terms dictionary
polity — [päl′ə tē] n. pl. polities [MFr politie < L politia: see POLICY1] 1. political or governmental organization 2. a society or institution with an organized government; state; body politic 3. a specific form of church government … English World dictionary
polity — A church s polity is its form of government. Like the words politics, police, and policy, the word is ultimately derived from the ancient Greek polis, which evokes both the order and the community of the ancient city state. As Protestantism… … Encyclopedia of Protestantism
Polity IV — Der Begriff Demokratiemessung bezeichnet in der Politikwissenschaft und der Demografie den Versuch, die Länder der Erde in verschiedene Grade, also nach Demokratie gestaffelte Kategorien einzuteilen. Dabei korrelieren unterschiedliche… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Polity — Der Begriff Polity bezeichnet die strukturelle, formelle und institutionelle Dimension von Politik. Die deutschen Bezeichnungen dafür sind Staatsorganisation bzw. institutionelle Ordnung politischer Systeme. Siehe auch Gesellschaftsordnung. Der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
polity — /pol i tee/, n., pl. polities. 1. a particular form or system of government: civil polity; ecclesiastical polity. 2. the condition of being constituted as a state or other organized community or body: The polity of ancient Athens became a… … Universalium