
1. [ʹpəʋlæks] n
1. ист.
1) бердыш, боевой топор, секира, алебарда
2) мор. абордажный топор
2. инструмент, молот на бойне
2. [ʹpəʋlæks] v
1) убивать бердышом, секирой, алебардой и т. п.
2) бить, резать (скот)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "poleaxe" в других словарях:

  • poleaxe — (US also poleax) ► NOUN 1) a battleaxe. 2) a butcher s axe used to slaughter animals. ► VERB 1) kill or knock down with or as if with a poleaxe. 2) shock greatly. ORIGIN from POLL …   English terms dictionary

  • Poleaxe — Poleax Pole ax , Poleaxe Pole axe , n. [OE. pollax; cf. OD. pollexe. See {Poll} head, and Ax.] Anciently, a kind of battle ax with a long handle; later, an ax or hatchet with a short handle, and a head variously patterned; used by soldiers, and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • poleaxe — 1. noun a) an ax having both a blade and a hammer face; used to slaughter cattle b) a long handled battle ax, being a combination of ax, hammer and pike …   Wiktionary

  • poleaxe — n. battleaxe, heavy axe with a broad edge used in the past as offensive weapon; axe having a hammer opposite the cutting edge used to slaughter animals v. kill with a poleax; knock down with a poleaxe; shock very much …   English contemporary dictionary

  • poleaxe — (US also poleax) noun a battleaxe. ↘a short handled axe with a spike at the back, formerly used in naval warfare. ↘a butcher s axe with a hammer head at the back, used to slaughter animals. verb 1》 hit, kill, or knock down with or as if with a… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Poleaxe — A pole weapon with an axe blade balanced by either a spike or a hammer. Often a poleaxe often had a spiked point at the end …   Medieval glossary

  • poleaxe — /ˈpoʊlæks / (say pohlaks) noun 1. a medieval shafted weapon with blade combining axe, hammer, and apical spike, used for fighting on foot. 2. an axe, usually with a hammer opposite the cutting edge, used in felling or stunning animals. 3. an axe… …  

  • poleaxe — n. & v. n. 1 a battleaxe. 2 a butcher s axe. v.tr. hit or kill with or as if with a poleaxe . Etymology: ME pol(l)ax, ex f. MDu. pol(l)aex, MLG pol(l)exe (as POLL(1), AXE) …   Useful english dictionary

  • poleaxe — /pohl aks /, n., pl. poleaxes / ak siz/, v.t., poleaxed, poleaxing. poleax. * * * …   Universalium

  • Poleaxe — A formidable weapon used in combat on foot by dismounted knights. It carried an axe, as its name suggests, but two other weapons were integrated: a hammer and a long spike. Poleaxes were usually long handled, giving extra force to the blow… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • poleaxe — pole•axe [[t]ˈpoʊlˌæks[/t]] n. v. t. axed, ax•ing poleax …   From formal English to slang

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