- pointillism
- [ʹpɔıntılız(ə)m] n жив., муз.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pointillism — is a style of painting in which small distinct points of primary colors create the impression of a wide selection of secondary and intermediate colors. TOC The technique relies on the perceptive ability of the eye and mind of the viewer to mix… … Wikipedia
pointillism — pointillísm (fr.) [pron. poantiísm] (poin ) s. n. Trimis de gall, 27.02.2008. Sursa: DOOM 2 … Dicționar Român
pointillism — 1901, from Fr. pointiller to cover with pointilles, small dots, plural diminutive of point (see POINT (Cf. point) (n.)). Pointillist is attested from 1891 … Etymology dictionary
pointillism — ► NOUN ▪ a technique of neo Impressionist painting using tiny dots of various pure colours, which become blended in the viewer s eye. DERIVATIVES pointillist noun & adjective. ORIGIN from French pointiller mark with dots … English terms dictionary
pointillism — [pwan′tə liz΄əm] n. [Fr pointillisme < pointiller, to mark with dots < pointille, dot < It puntiglio, dim. of punto < L punctus: see POINT] the method of painting of certain French impressionists, in which a white ground is… … English World dictionary
Pointillism — Neoimpressionism Ne o*im*pres sion*ism (n[=e] [ o]*[i^]m*pr[e^]sh [u^]n*[i^]z m), n. (Painting) A theory or practice which is a further development, on more rigorously scientific lines, of the theory and practice of Impressionism, originated by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pointillism — A method of painting developed in France in the 1880s in which tiny dots of color are applied to the canvas. When viewed from a distance, the points of color appear to blend together to make other colors and to form shapes and outlines.… … Glossary of Art Terms
pointillism — noun Usage: often capitalized Etymology: French pointillisme, from pointiller to stipple, from point spot, from Old French more at point Date: 1901 the theory or practice in art of applying small strokes or dots of color to a surface so that from … New Collegiate Dictionary
pointillism — pointillist, n., adj. /pwan tl iz euhm, tee iz , poyn tl iz /, n. (sometimes cap.) a theory and technique developed by the neo impressionists, based on the principle that juxtaposed dots of pure color, as blue and yellow, are optically mixed into … Universalium
pointillism — noun In art, the use of small areas of color to construct an image. Syn: divisionism … Wiktionary
pointillism — poin|til|lis|m [ˈpwæntılızəm, ˈpɔın ] n [U] [Date: 1900 2000; : French; Origin: pointillisme, from point spot ] a style of painting popular in the late 19th century that uses small spots of colour all over the painting, rather than brush strokes… … Dictionary of contemporary English