- poikilothermy
- [͵pɔıkılə(ʋ)ʹθɜ:mı] n биол.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
poikilothermy — noun cold bloodedness See Also: poikilotherm, poikilothermic … Wiktionary
poikilothermy — poi·ki·lo·ther·my pȯi ki lə .thər mē n, pl mies POIKILOTHERMISM * * * poi·ki·lo·ther·my (poi″kĭ lo thurґme) [poikilo + Gr. thermē heat] 1. the exhibition of body temperature which varies with the environmental temperature. 2. the … Medical dictionary
poikilothermy — n. state of being cold blooded, state of being dependent on external factors to regulate body temperature (Zoology) … English contemporary dictionary
poikilothermy — poi·ki·lo·ther·my … English syllables
poikilothermy — mē noun ( es) : poikilothermism * * * poikilothermˈy (or /poiˈ/) noun Cold bloodedness • • • Main Entry: ↑poikilitic … Useful english dictionary
poikilothermy, poikilothermism — The condition of plants and cold blooded animals, the temperature of which varies with the changes in the temperature of the surrounding medium. [poikilo + G. therme, heat] … Medical dictionary
Warm-blooded — In biology, a warm blooded animal species is one whose members maintain thermal homeostasis; that is, they keep their body temperature at a roughly constant level, regardless of the ambient temperature. This involves the ability to cool down or… … Wikipedia
Heterothermic — (from Greek: hetero = other thermy = heat. ) is a physiological term referring to a unique case of poikilothermy. Heterothermic creatures are homeothermic for a portion of the day, or year. More often than not, it is usually used as a way to… … Wikipedia
Heterothermy — (from Greek: heteros = other thermē = heat. ) is a physiological term for animals that exhibit characteristics of both poikilothermy and homeothermy. Contents 1 Temporal heterothermy 2 Regional heterothermy 3 References … Wikipedia
poikilothermic — poi·ki·lo·ther·mic .pȯi kə lō thər mik adj of, relating to, or being a poikilotherm: COLD BLOODED * * * adj. cold blooded: being unable to regulate the body temperature, which fluctuates according to that of the surroundings. Reptiles and… … Medical dictionary
Cold-blooded — is a loose layman s term often used to refer to animals that do not use their metabolism to maintain body temperature. It is typically associated with at least one of three different thermophysiological characteristics: ectothermy, controlling… … Wikipedia