- pocket battleship
- [͵pɒkıtʹbætlʃıp] мор.
«карманный линкор»
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pocket battleship — n. small battleship within the limits as to tonnage and guns set by the Treaty of Versailles … English World dictionary
pocket battleship — n a fairly small fighting ship … Dictionary of contemporary English
pocket battleship — noun a small battleship built to conform with treaty limitations on tonnage and armament (from 1925 to 1930) • Hypernyms: ↑battleship, ↑battlewagon … Useful english dictionary
pocket battleship — noun Date: 1930 a small German battleship built so as to come within treaty limitations of tonnage and armament … New Collegiate Dictionary
pocket battleship — a small heavily armed and armored warship serving as a battleship because of limitations imposed by treaty. [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
pocket battleship — noun Any of a class of German cruisers, having guns normally found on a battleship, operated during World War II; a battlecruiser … Wiktionary
pocket battleship — pock′et bat′tleship n. mil a small, lightly armored but heavily armed warship serving as a battleship because of treaty restrictions • Etymology: 1930 … From formal English to slang
pocket battleship — /pɒkət ˈbætlʃɪp/ (say pokuht batlship) noun 1. a small, heavily armed and armoured warship serving as a battleship because of limitations imposed by treaty. 2. Colloquial a small but tough person …
pocket battleship — noun any of a class of cruisers with large calibre guns, operated by the German navy in the Second World War … English new terms dictionary
pocket battleship — noun (C) a fairly small fighting ship … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee — The Admiral Graf Spee was one of the most famous German naval warships of World War II, along with the Bismarck . Her size was limited to that of a cruiser by the Treaty of Versailles, however she was as heavily armed as a battleship due to… … Wikipedia