
[ʹplʌndʒə] n
1. прыгун в воду; ныряльщик
2. водолаз
3. разг. азартный игрок
4. воен. разг. кавалерист
5. амер. небольшая лодка или баркас
6. разг.
1) баптист
2) баптистская церковь
7. разг. шприц
8. тех.
1) плунжер, скалка
2) шток; толкатель (клапана)

plunger pin - пружинный штифт, фиксатор

plunger elevator - гидравлический подъёмник

3) (инерционный) ударник; стержень ударника (взрывателя)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "plunger" в других словарях:

  • Plunger — Plun ger, n. 1. One who, or that which, plunges; a diver. [1913 Webster] 2. A long solid cylinder, used, instead of a piston or bucket, as a forcer in pumps. [1913 Webster] 3. One who bets heavily and recklessly on a race; a reckless speculator.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • plunger — PLÚNGER, plungere, s.n. Piesă rotundă de şamotă la alimentatoarele automate cu sticlă topită, care ajută la formarea picăturii de sticlă. – Din fr., engl. plunger. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 24.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  plúnger s. m., pl. plúngere… …   Dicționar Român

  • Plunger — Plunger, s.v.w. Tauchkolben (s. Pumpenkolben) …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • plunger — index bettor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • plunger — as a mechanism, 1777, agent noun from PLUNGE (Cf. plunge) …   Etymology dictionary

  • plunger — ► NOUN 1) a part of a device or mechanism that works with a plunging or thrusting movement. 2) a device consisting of a rubber cup on a long handle, used to clear blocked pipes by means of suction …   English terms dictionary

  • plunger — [plun′jər] n. 1. a person who plunges, or dives 2. a large, rubber suction cup with a long handle, used to free clogged drains 3. any cylindrical device that operates with a plunging motion, as a piston 4. Informal a person who acts hastily or… …   English World dictionary

  • Plunger — A plunger is a common device used to release stoppages in plumbing. The tool consists of a rubber cup with an attached stick shaft , usually made of wood or bronze. The cup is pushed down against the drain, and either pressed hard into the drain… …   Wikipedia

  • Plunger — Der Ausdruck Plunger bezeichnet: einen Dämpfertyp für Blechblasinstrumente: Plunger Dämpfer den Kolben einer Pumpe, bzw. den Teil eines Verbrennungsmotors, siehe Plungerpumpe einen Teil der Glastropfendosierung in der Glasindustrie (siehe Feeder… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Plunger — Plun|ger 〈[plʌ̣ndʒər] m. 3〉 = Tauchkolben [<engl. plunger „Taucher“] * * * Plun|ger [ plʌndʒə], (auch:) Plunscher, der; s, [engl. plunger, zu: to plunge = stoßen, treiben] (Technik): besonderer Kolben, bei dem zur Dichtung keine Kolbenringe,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • plunger — UK [ˈplʌndʒə(r)] / US [ˈplʌndʒər] noun [countable] Word forms plunger : singular plunger plural plungers 1) an object used for pulling dirt out of a sink, bath etc that is blocked. It consists of a rubber cup fixed to a short stick. 2) a part of… …   English dictionary

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