Plumper — Plump er, n. 1. One who, or that which, plumps or swells out something else; hence, something carried in the mouth to distend the cheeks. [1913 Webster] 2. (English Elections) A vote given to one candidate only, when two or more are to be elected … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
plumper — plumper1 [plum′pər] n. 1. a person or thing that plumps or fattens 2. Historical something carried in the mouth to plump out hollow cheeks plumper2 [plum′pər] n. a plumping, or dropping heavily … English World dictionary
Plumper — Plump Plump (pl[u^]mp), a. [Compar. {Plumper} (pl[u^]mp [ e]r); superl. {Plumpest}.] [OE. plomp rude, clumsy; akin to D. plomp, G., Dan., & Sw. plump; probably of imitative origin. Cf. {Plump}, adv.] 1. Well rounded or filled out; full; fleshy;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plumper Cove Marine Provincial Park — is a provincial park in British Columbia, Canada. The park is located on Keats Island in Howe Sound, northwest of Vancouver, BC. It is one of the oldest marine parks on the BC coast, and a popular anchorage in the summer months. The 57 hectare… … Wikipedia
plumper — I. noun Etymology: 5plump Date: 1690 an object carried in the mouth to fill out the cheeks II. noun Etymology: 1plump Date: circa 1785 chiefly British a vote for only one candidate when two or more are to be elected to the same office … New Collegiate Dictionary
plumper — plumper1 /plum peuhr/, n. 1. an act of falling heavily; a plumping. 2. Chiefly Brit. the vote of a person who plumps. [PLUMP2 + ER1] plumper2 /plum peuhr/, n. something carried in the mouth to fill out hollow cheeks. [1755 65; PLUMP1 + ER1] * * * … Universalium
plumper — noun a) One who plumps or swells out something else. b) That which plumps or swells out something else. Syn: pork pie, porky, tall story, whopper … Wiktionary
Plümper — Pömpel (norddt.) (umgangssprachlich); Pampelmuse (norddt.) (umgangssprachlich); Pümpel (umgangssprachlich); Saug Hektor (österr.) (umgangssprachlich); Steßl (österr.) (umgangssprachlich); Plömper ( … Universal-Lexikon
plumper — plump·er pləm pər n an object carried in the mouth to fill out the cheeks … Medical dictionary
plumper — plÊŒmp n. loud fall, loud crash; blow, stroke, hit v. fatten up; fluff, make plump adj. chubby; full figured; fattened; frank, sincere adv. with a loud noise, with a thump … English contemporary dictionary
plumper — plump·er … English syllables