- plug hat
- [ʹplʌghæt] = plug I 11
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
plug-hat — plugˈ hat noun (US) A top hat • • • Main Entry: ↑plug … Useful english dictionary
plug hat — ☆ plug hat n. [Old Slang] a man s high silk hat … English World dictionary
plug hat — noun a felt hat that is round and hard with a narrow brim • Syn: ↑bowler hat, ↑bowler, ↑derby hat, ↑derby • Hypernyms: ↑hat, ↑chapeau, ↑lid * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
plug hat — plug (def. 19). * * * … Universalium
plug hat — noun Date: 1863 a man s stiff hat (as a bowler or top hat) … New Collegiate Dictionary
plug hat — noun May be a top hat or a bowler hat … Wiktionary
plug — [plug] n. [MDu plugge, a bung, plug, block, akin to Ger pflock] 1. an object used to stop up a hole, gap, outlet, etc. 2. a natural concretion or formation that stops up a passage, duct, etc. 3. a small wedge or segment cut from something, as… … English World dictionary
plug — /plʌg / (say plug) noun 1. a piece of rubber or plastic for stopping the flow of water from a basin, bath (def. 3) or sink (def. 30). 2. a piece of wood, cork, plastic, etc., used to stop up a hole or aperture, to fill a gap, etc. 3. Electricity… …
plug — pluggable, adj. pluggingly, adv. plugless, adj. pluglike, adj. /plug/, n., v., plugged, plugging. n. 1. a piece of wood or other material used to stop up a hole or aperture, to fill a gap, or to act as a wedge. 2. a core or interior segment taken … Universalium
plug-hatted — adjective see plug hat … Useful english dictionary
Plug and play — 〈[ plʌ̣g ənd plɛı] n.; ; unz.; EDV〉 automatisches Installieren der einzelnen Komponenten eines Systems, z. B. durch Einstecken einer Karte, deren Merkmale vom System erkannt u. in bereits vorhandenes Computersystem eingebaut werden; →a.… … Universal-Lexikon