- plucky
- [ʹplʌkı] a разг.
1. смелый, отважный, решительный
plucky little fellow - смелый парнишка
2. фото чёткий, отчётливыйplucky negative - чёткий негатив
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
plucky little fellow - смелый парнишка
plucky negative - чёткий негатив
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Plucky — Pluck y, a. [Compar. {Pluckier}; superl. {Pluckiest}.] Having pluck or courage; characterized by pluck; displaying pluck; courageous; spirited; as, a plucky race. [1913 Webster] If you re plucky, and not over subject to fright. Barham. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plucky — may refer to:* Plucky (Farthing Wood), a fictional character in the television series The Animals of Farthing Wood * Plucky Duck, a fictional anthropomorphic green duck in the animated series Tiny Toon Adventures ee also* Plucking … Wikipedia
plucky — index indomitable, spartan Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
plucky — 1842, from PLUCK (Cf. pluck) + Y (Cf. y) (2) … Etymology dictionary
plucky — [adj] brave adventurous, bold, confident, courageous, daring, determined, fearless, game, gritty, gutsy, heroic, lionhearted, nervy, persevering, spirited, sporting, spunky, stalwart, tenacious, unafraid, undaunted, unfearful, valiant; concept… … New thesaurus
plucky — ► ADJECTIVE (pluckier, pluckiest) ▪ determined and courageous in the face of difficulties. DERIVATIVES pluckily adverb pluckiness noun … English terms dictionary
plucky — [pluk′ē] adj. pluckier, pluckiest [ PLUCK, n. 3 + Y2] brave; spirited SYN. BRAVE pluckily adv. pluckiness n … English World dictionary
plucky — UK [ˈplʌkɪ] / US adjective Word forms plucky : adjective plucky comparative pluckier superlative pluckiest brave and determined, especially when success is unlikely a plucky boy/attempt Derived words: pluckily adverb pluckiness noun uncountable … English dictionary
plucky — [[t]plʌ̱ki[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n (approval) If someone, for example a sick child, is described as plucky, it means that although they are weak, they face their difficulties with courage. [JOURNALISM] The plucky schoolgirl amazed doctors at… … English dictionary
plucky — pluckily, adv. pluckiness, n. /pluk ee/, adj., pluckier, pluckiest. having or showing pluck or courage; brave: The drowning swimmer was rescued by a plucky schoolboy. [1820 30; PLUCK + Y1] Syn. courageous, determined; cheerful; spunky, spirited.… … Universalium
plucky — adj. Plucky is used with these nouns: ↑heroine … Collocations dictionary