- backdoor
1> закулисный, тайный (об интригах и т. п.)
back-door goings-on действия исподтишка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Backdoor — (auch Trapdoor oder Hintertür) bezeichnet einen (oft vom Autor eingebauten) Teil einer Software, der es Benutzern ermöglicht, unter Umgehung der normalen Zugriffssicherung Zugang zum Computer oder einer sonst geschützten Funktion eines… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Backdoor — [dt. »Hintertür«] die, allgemein ein Server oder Bereich eines Servers, der vor fremden Zugriffen über Online Verbindungen nicht ausreichend geschützt ist. Eine Backdoor ermöglicht Attacken von Hackern oder das Eindringen von Trojanischen… … Universal-Lexikon
Backdoor — Back door , a. Acting from behind and in concealment; backstairs; as, backdoor intrigues. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
backdoor — (adj.) devious, shady, illegal, 1640s. The notion is of business done out of public view. The noun back door in the literal sense is from 1520s, from BACK (Cf. back) (adj.) + DOOR (Cf. door). The association with sodomy is at least from 19c.; Cf … Etymology dictionary
backdoor — [bak′dôr΄] adj. 1. of a rear entrance 2. secret; underhanded … English World dictionary
backdoor — [[t]bæ̱kdɔ͟ː(r)[/t]] also back door 1) ADJ: ADJ n (disapproval) You can use backdoor to describe an action or process if you disapprove of it because you think it has been done in a secret, indirect, or dishonest way. He did the backdoor deals… … English dictionary
backdoor — 1. the anus Mainly homosexual use. However, a back door man was also a married woman s extramarital sexual partner. If he did the back door trot, it was not because the husband had come home unexpectedly, but to the lavatory with diarrhoea … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
backdoor — adjective Date: 1805 1. indirect, devious 2. involving or being a play in basketball in which a player moves behind the defense and toward the basket to receive a quick pass < a backdoor layup > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Backdoor — Porte dérobée Cet article fait partie de la série Programmes malveillants Virus Cabir MyDoom.A Tchernobyl … Wikipédia en Français
backdoor — back|door [ˈbækdo: US do:r] adj [only before noun] secret, or not publicly stated as your intention ▪ a backdoor tax rise … Dictionary of contemporary English
backdoor — back|door [ bæk,dɔr ] adjective secret and usually dishonest or illegal: a backdoor plan to lend money to candidates for local office … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English