- pliofilm
- [ʹplaıəfılm] n
плиофильм (прозрачная плёнка, идущая на плащи и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pliofilm — ☆ Pliofilm [plī′ə film΄ ] n. [a former trademark < PLIABLE + FILM] [also p ] a transparent sheeting of chlorinated rubber used for raincoats, as a packaging film, etc … English World dictionary
Pliofilm — /pluy euh film /, Trademark. a brand of resinlike rubber hydrochloride that forms a clear, flexible, water resistant, heat sealable plastic, used for packaging, raincoats, etc. * * * … Universalium
Pliofilm — Plio·film … English syllables
pliofilm — n. trademark, thin transparent waterproof sheet used for packaging, etc … Dictionary of difficult words
Pliofilm — ˈplīə+ˌ trademark used for a glossy moistureproof membrane made of rubber hydrochloride and used chiefly for making raincoats, as packaging material, and as fruit wrapping … Useful english dictionary
Cancer professionnel — Les cancers, toutes localisations confondues, représentent la deuxième cause de mortalité en France derrière les maladies cardiovasculaires. Evolution du nombre de décès par cancer en France[1] Hommes 85 600 décès en 1990 90 800 décès en 2003… … Wikipédia en Français
Benzene — For other uses, see Benzene (disambiguation). See also: Benzole Benzene … Wikipedia
paper — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. writing paper, wallpaper, newsprint, rag paper, pulp paper, foolscap, etc.; paper money, bill, banknote, folding money; certificate, deed, document; newspaper, journal; monograph, article, composition … English dictionary for students