
[plınθ] n стр.
1) плинтус
2) цоколь; постамент; база; нижний пояс (стены)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "plinth" в других словарях:

  • Plinth — Plinth, n. [L. plinthus, Gr. ? a brick or tile, a plinth, perh. akin to E. flint: cf. F. plinthe.] (Arch.) In classical architecture, a vertically faced member immediately below the circular base of a column; also, the lowest member of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • plinth — [plinth] n. [L plinthus < Gr plinthos, brick, tile] 1. the square block at the base of a column, pedestal, etc.: see COLUMN 2. the base on which a statue is placed 3. a course of brick or stone, often a projecting one, along the base of a wall …   English World dictionary

  • plinth — [plınθ] n especially BrE ↑statue, ↑plinth [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: plinthus, from Greek plinthos] a square block, usually made of stone, that is used as the base for a ↑pillar or ↑statue …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • plinth — plinth; sub·plinth; …   English syllables

  • plinth — n. m. (Belgique) GYM Série de caisses en bois emboîtées et amovibles utilisées pour des exercices de culbute …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • plinth — (plinth) a padded table for a patient to sit or lie on while performing therapeutic exercises …   Medical dictionary

  • plinth — [ plınθ ] noun count a square piece of stone that forms the bottom of a COLUMN or STATUE …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • plinth — 1610s, from Fr. plinthe, from L. plinthus, from Gk. plinthos brick, squared stone, cognate with O.E. flint (see FLINT (Cf. flint)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • plinth — ► NOUN 1) a heavy base supporting a statue or vase. 2) Architecture the lower square slab at the base of a column. ORIGIN Greek plinthos tile, brick, squared stone …   English terms dictionary

  • Plinth — A plinth is the base of a cabinet in cabinet making.In architecture, a plinth is the base or platform upon which a column, pedestal, statue, monument, or structure rests. [cite book first= John C. last= Poppeliers authorlink= coauthors= year=… …   Wikipedia

  • plinth — plinthless, adj. plinthlike, adj. /plinth/, n. Archit. 1. a slablike member beneath the base of a column or pier. See diag. under column. 2. a square base or a lower block, as of a pedestal. 3. Also called plinth course. a projecting course of… …   Universalium

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