- plexor
- [ʹpleksə] n мед.
перкуссионный молото(че)к, молоток для выстукивания
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
plexor — Véase percusor. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
plexor — [plek′sər] n. [ModL < Gr plēxis, a striking, akin to plēssein, to strike < IE * plēk , a stroke < base * plā , flat > PLAIN1] Med. a small hammer with a soft head, as of rubber, formerly used in percussion … English World dictionary
plexor — /plek seuhr/, n. Med. a small hammer with a soft rubber head or the like, used in percussion for diagnostic purposes. Also, percussor, plessor. [1835 45; < Gk plêx(is) stroke, percussion + OR2] * * * … Universalium
plexor — SYN: plessor. [G. plexis, a stroke] * * * plex·or plek sər n a small hammer with a rubber head used in medical percussion * * * n. see plessor * * * plex·or (plekґsor) percussion hammer, or the index or middle finger of the dominant hand used as… … Medical dictionary
plexor — plex·or || pleksÉ™(r) n. medical hammer, hammer used in medical diagnoses … English contemporary dictionary
plexor — [ plɛksə] (also plessor) noun a small hammer with a rubber head used to test reflexes and in medical percussion. Origin C19: formed irregularly from Gk plēxis percussion + or1 … English new terms dictionary
plexor — plex·or … English syllables
plexor — n.; see plessor … The new mediacal dictionary
plexor — /ˈplɛksə/ (say pleksuh) noun Medicine a small hammer with a soft rubber head or the like, used in percussion for diagnostic purposes. Also, plessor. {Greek plex(is) stroke, percussion + or2} …
plexor — n. (also plessor) Med. a small hammer used to test reflexes and in percussing. Etymology: irreg. f. Gk plexis percussion + OR(1) … Useful english dictionary
Молоточек Перкуссионный (Plessor), Плексор (Plexor) — небольшой молоточек, который применяется для исследования нервных рефлексов, а также используется при перкуссии. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины