Смотреть что такое "pleomorphy" в других словарях:
pleomorphy — ple·o·mor·phy … English syllables
pleomorphy — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌmȯrfē noun ( es) Etymology: pleomorphous + y : pleomorphism * * * pleomorˈphism or plēˈomorphy noun • • • Main Entry: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Louis René Tulasne — Louis René Tulasne, aka Edmond Tulasne (September 12, 1815 December 22, 1885) was a French botanist who was born in Azay le Rideau. He originally studied law at Poitiers, but his interest later turned to botany. [CathEncy|wstitle=Louis René… … Wikipedia
pleomorphism — /plee euh mawr fiz euhm/, n. Biol. existence of an organism in two or more distinct forms during the life cycle; polymorphism. Also, pleomorphy. [1860 65; PLEO + MORPH + ISM] * * * ▪ microbiology the existence of irregular and variant forms … Universalium
pleiomorphy — (ˈplaɪəmɔːfɪ) [f. pleio + Gr. µορϕή form + ια, y.] (See also pleomorphy, etc.) In Bot. a. The occurrence of more than one distinct stage or form in the life cycle of a species, as in certain heterœcious fungi, which pass through two or three… … Useful english dictionary