- platyrrhine
- [ʹplætıraın] a зоол., антр.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
platyrrhine — [plat′ə rīn΄, plat′ərin] adj. [ModL platyrrhinus < Gr platyrrhin, broad nosed < platy (see PLATY ) + rhis (gen. rhinos), nose: see RHINO ] having a broad, flat nose with nostrils that open to the side, creating a wide, flat septum n. a… … English World dictionary
platyrrhine — 1. Characterized by a nose of large width in proportion to its length. 2. Denoting a skull with a nasal index between 53 and 58. [platy + G. rhis, nose] * * * plat·yr·rhine plat i .rīn adj 1) of, relat … Medical dictionary
platyrrhine — adjective Date: 1857 1. [New Latin Platyrrhina, from Greek platyrrhin , platyrrhis broad nosed, from platys + rhin , rhis nose] of, relating to, or being any of a division (Platyrrhina) of arboreal New World monkeys characterized by a broad nasal … New Collegiate Dictionary
platyrrhine — /plat i ruyn , rin/, adj. 1. Anthropol. having a broad, flat bridged nose. 2. belonging or pertaining to the primate group or superfamily Platyrrhini, comprising the New World monkeys, having a broad, flat nose and usually a long, prehensile tail … Universalium
platyrrhine — plat•yr•rhine [[t]ˈplæt ɪˌraɪn, rɪn[/t]] also plat•yr•rhin•i•an [[t]ˌplæt ɪˈrɪn i ən[/t]] adj. 1) mam belonging or pertaining to the primate group or superfamily Platyrrhini, comprising the New World monkeys, having a broad, flat nose and usu. a… … From formal English to slang
platyrrhine — adjective Having a broad, flat nose … Wiktionary
platyrrhine — plat·yr·rhine || plætɪraɪn adj. having a flat nose, having a flat snout … English contemporary dictionary
platyrrhine — [ platɪrʌɪn] adjective Zoology relating to or denoting primates of a group distinguished by having nostrils that are far apart and directed forwards or sideways and typically a prehensile tail, comprising the New World monkeys, marmosets, and… … English new terms dictionary
platyrrhine — plat·yr·rhine … English syllables
platyrrhine — /ˈplætəraɪn/ (say platuhruyn) adjective having a broad, flat bridged nose; belonging to one of the two divisions of primates. Compare catarrhine. {platy (from Greek, combining form of platys broad) + Greek rhis nose} …
platyrrhine — adj. & n. adj. (of primates) having nostrils far apart and directed forwards or sideways (cf. CATARRHINE). n. such an animal. Etymology: PLATY + Gk rhis rhin nose … Useful english dictionary