- platonism
- [ʹpleıtənız(ə)m] n
1. философия, учение Платона2. (тж. platonism)1) учение о платонической любви2) платоническая любовь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
platonism — PLATONÍSM s.n. Concepţie filozofică idealist obiectivă a lui Platon şi a adepţilor săi, după care lumea ideilor ar fi singura realitate adevărată, iar lumea materială o copie sensibilă şi schimbătoare a celei dintâi. – Din fr. platonisme. Trimis… … Dicționar Român
Platonism — Pla to*nism, n. [Cf. F. Platonisme.] 1. The doctrines or philosophy by Plato or of his followers. [1913 Webster] Note: Plato believed God to be an infinitely wise, just, and powerful Spirit; and also that he formed the visible universe out of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Platonism — [plāt′ n iz΄əm] n. [ModL platonismus] 1. the philosophy of Plato or his school; esp., the doctrine holding that objects of perception are real insofar as they imitate or participate in an independent realm of immutable essences, ideas, or logical … English World dictionary
Platonism — Platonist, n., adj. /playt n iz euhm/, n. 1. the philosophy or doctrines of Plato or his followers. 2. a Platonic doctrine or saying. 3. the belief that physical objects are impermanent representations of unchanging Ideas, and that the Ideas… … Universalium
Platonism — Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Platonism — After the death of Plato (347 BCE), his philosophical teachings were continued into the Hellenistic era by his followers and were an influence on Judaism in the Book of Wisdom. Mankind is given immortality because human beings are made in the… … Dictionary of the Bible
Platonism — the school of philosophy founded by Plato. Often used to refer to Platonic idealism, the belief that the entities of the phenomenal world are imperfect reflections of an ideal truth. In metaphysics sometimes used to mean the claim that universals … Mini philosophy glossary
Platonism in the Renaissance — Platonism underwent a revival in the Renaissance, as part of a general revival of interest in Classical antiquity. Interest in Platonism was especially strong in Florence under the Medici. During the sessions at Florence of the Council of Ferrara … Wikipedia
Platonism — noun Date: circa 1570 1. a. the philosophy of Plato stressing especially that actual things are copies of transcendent ideas and that these ideas are the objects of true knowledge apprehended by reminiscence b. Neoplatonism 2. platonic love •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Platonism — noun The philosophy of Plato … Wiktionary
Platonism — The view taken especially from the middle dialogues of Plato that abstract objects, such as those of mathematics, or concepts such as the concept of number or justice, are real, independent, timeless, and objective entities. Numbers stand to… … Philosophy dictionary