- platinotype
- [ʹplætınətaıp] n фото
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Platinotype — Plat i*no*type, n. [Platinum + type.] (Photog.) 1. A permanent photographic picture or print in platinum black. [1913 Webster] 2. The process by which such pictures are produced. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
platinotype — /plat n oh tuyp /, n. Photog. 1. a process of printing positives in which a platinum salt is used, rather than the usual silver salts, in order to make a more permanent print. 2. Also called platinum print. a print made by this process. [1875 80; … Universalium
platinotype — noun a) A method of making photographic prints using platinum salts b) A print made by this method … Wiktionary
platinotype — plat·i·no·type … English syllables
platinotype — /ˈplætənoʊtaɪp/ (say platuhnohtuyp) noun Photography 1. a process of printing in which a platinum salt is employed yielding more permanent prints than those obtainable with silver salts. 2. a print made by such a process …
platinotype — ˈplatənōˌtīp noun Etymology: platin + type : a permanent photographic print having an image of platinum black obtained by the reduction of a platinum salt by a developer containing an iron salt (as ferrous oxalate); also : the process of making… … Useful english dictionary
Platinum prints — Platinum prints, also called platinotypes , are photographic prints made by a monochrome printing process that provides the greatest tonal range of any printing method using chemical development.Unlike the silver print process, platinum lies on… … Wikipedia
Palladiotype — In photography, palladiotype is a monochrome printing process, a rather obscure variant of the platinotype.The process was in use after World War I, because the platinum used in the fairly popular platinotype quickly became too expensive for use… … Wikipedia
Kallitype — is a process for making photographic prints.Patented in 1889 by W. W. J. Nicol, the Kallitype print is an iron silver process. A chemical process similar to the Van dyke brown based on the use of a combination of ferric and silver salts. Many… … Wikipedia
Frederick H. Evans — (1853 1943) was a noted British photographer, primarily of architectural subjects. He is best known for his images of English and French cathedrals. Evans began his career as a bookseller, but retired from that to become a full time photographer… … Wikipedia
Siderotype — is an iron based photographic print. [http://books.google.com/books?id=J6QRAAAAIAAJ pg=RA2 PA622 dq=Siderotype lr= num=20 client=firefox a] The term was coined by Sir John Frederick William Herschel. [http://books.google.com/books?id=9 sEAAAAQAAJ … Wikipedia