plasma panel

plasma panel
[͵plæzməʹpænl] элк.
плазменная панель

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "plasma panel" в других словарях:

  • Plasma stealth — is a proposed process that uses ionized gas (plasma) to reduce the radar cross section (RCS) of an aircraft. Interactions between electromagnetic radiation and ionized gas have been extensively studied for a variety of purposes, including the… …   Wikipedia

  • Plasma display — A plasma display panel (PDP) is a type of flat panel display now commonly used for large TV displays (typically above 37 inch or 940 mm). Many tiny cells located between two panels of glass hold an inert mixture of noble gases. The gas in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Panel SED — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Sed (desambiguación). El Panel SED es un tipo de panel visualizador para pantallas planas caracterizado por usar la tecnología de las pantallas de tubo tradicionales (CRT) para… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Plasma — may refer to: * Blood plasma, the yellow colored liquid component of blood, in which blood cells are suspended * Plasma (physics), an ionized gas, the fourth state of matter **Plasma display, a common application of plasma (physics), a flat panel …   Wikipedia

  • Plasma-Ätzen — Plasmaätzen ist ein materialabtragendes, plasmaunterstütztes, gaschemisches Trockenätz Verfahren, das besonders in der Halbleitertechnik, Mikrostrukturtechnologie und in der Displaytechnik großtechnisch eingesetzt wird. Der Begriff Plasmaätzen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • plasma display panel — noun a panel with numerous cells filled with plasma (def. 5) which is activated by passing an electronic current through it to produce light photons which are then amplified by the phosphorus material on the inside wall of the cell. See plasma… …  

  • plasma indicator panel — plazminė švieslentė statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. plasma indicator panel vok. Plasmaanzeigepaneel, n rus. газоразрядная индикаторная панель, f pranc. panneau à plasma, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Plasma display panel — F/A/V A direct view display made up of an array of cells, known as pixels, which are composed of three subpixels, corresponding to the colors red, green, and blue. Gas in the plasma state is used to react with phosphors in each subpixel to… …   Audio and video glossary

  • plasma — /ˈplæzmə / (say plazmuh) noun 1. Anatomy, Physiology the liquid part of blood or lymph, as distinguished from the corpuscles. 2. Biology → protoplasm. 3. → whey. 4. a green, faintly translucent chalcedony. 5 …  

  • plasma display — /ˈplæzmə dəspleɪ/ (say plazmuh duhsplay) noun a system for illuminating tiny coloured fluorescent lights in a plasma display panel, each set of three having one red, one green and one blue, to produce a pixel and from many pixels to form an… …  

  • Panel SED — Este artículo trata sobre el tipo de pantallas. Para el comando Unix, vea sed. Tipo de panel para pantallas planas caracterizado por usar la tecnología de las pantallas de tubo tradicionales (CRT) para cada uno de los puntos (píxeles) mostrados… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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