- planispiral
- [͵plænıʹspaı(ə)rəl] a
плоскоспиральный; свёрнутый спиралью в одной плоскости
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
planispiral — adj. [L. planus, flat; spira, coil] (MOLLUSCA: Gastropoda) Shells coiled in a single plane like a flat spiral with symmetrical sides; loosely used for shells whorled in a discoid form with asymmetrical sides; see isostrophic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
planispiral — variant of planospiral … Useful english dictionary
Lituites — Bischofsstab Lituites littuus Zeitraum Unteres Ordovizium bis Mittleres Ordovizium ca. 488 bis ca. 460 Mio. Jahre Fundorte Asien Europa … Deutsch Wikipedia
Marisa cornuarietis — Drawing of a live individual of Marisa cornuarietis: the visible soft parts are covered in dark spots. The edge of the round operculum is visible under the shell. Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Lukas Hottinger — (born in Düsseldorf, Germany, 25/02/1933) is a paleontologist, biologist and geologist. Hottinger is currently collaborating with the Natural History Museum of Basel (Switzerland).Hottinger is one of the major experts on present day and fossil… … Wikipedia
Ammonite — For other uses, see Ammonite (disambiguation). Ammonites Temporal range: 400–65.5 Ma … Wikipedia
Spirula — Temporal range: Miocene–Recent[1] … Wikipedia
Nautilida — Temporal range: Devonian–Recent … Wikipedia
Tusk shell — The tusk shells or scaphopods are a class of marine mollusks which vary in size from very small to medium sized. The scientific name of this class is Scaphopoda, meaning shovel footed . These mollusks live on soft substrates offshore (usually not … Wikipedia
Ramshorn snail — The term ramshorn snail is used in the aquarium trade to describe any kind of snail whose shell is planispiral, meaning that it is a flat coil. Such shells resemble a coil of rope, or (as the name suggests) a ram s horn.Physical descriptionMost… … Wikipedia
Bellerophon (mollusc) — Taxobox name = Bellerophon fossil range= fossil range|Silurian|Early Triassic regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Gastropoda ordo = Bellerophontida familia = Bellerophontidae genus = Bellerophon genus authority = Montfort, 1808… … Wikipedia