- plancks constant
- Planck's constant
1> _физ. константа Планка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dirac constant — noun Plancks constant divided by 2π. Also called the rationalized or reduced Plancks constant; symbol is ħ, written in ASCII as h bar … Wiktionary
Unicode numerals — Numerals (often called numbers in Unicode) are characters that denote a number. The same Arabic Indic numerals are used widely in various writing systems throughout the world and all share the same semantics for denoting numbers, However, the… … Wikipedia
Unicode compatibility characters — In discussing Unicode and the UCS, many often refer to compatibility characters. Compatibility characters are graphical characters that are discouraged by the Unicode Consortium. As the [http://www.unicode.org/glossary/#compatibility character… … Wikipedia
Planck length — noun A unit of length, believed to be the smallest length that has physical meaning, that is defined in terms of the speed of light, the gravitational constant and the reduced Plancks constant viz … Wiktionary
quantum unit of spin — noun A constant used as a unit of measurement for particle spin and equal to Plancks constant divided by 2π … Wiktionary
de Broglie wavelength — noun the wavelength, λ=h/p, associated with a beam of particles of momentum p. (h being Plancks constant.) The same formula gives the momentum of a photon or wavelength λ … Wiktionary
quantized vortex — noun a flow pattern exhibited by superfluids, such as He below 2.17K, in which the circulation rate is restricted to a quantized multiple of Plancks constant divided by the mass of the He atom … Wiktionary
Heisenberg uncertainty principle — noun The principle that there is an absolute limit on the combined accuracy of certain pairs of simultaneous, related measurements, especially that of the position and momentum of a particle. Originally posited as a problem of measurement, it was … Wiktionary
Список научных публикаций Альберта Эйнштейна — Альберт Эйнштейн (1879 1955) был известным специалистом по теоретической физике, который наиболее известен как разработчик общей и специальной теорий относительности. Он также внёс большой вклад в развитие статистической механики, особенно… … Википедия
Photon — This article is about the elementary particle of light. For other uses, see Photon (disambiguation). Photon Photons emitted in a coherent beam from a laser Composition Elementary particle … Wikipedia
Vakuumenergie — Die Vakuumenergie ist die Energie des „leeren Raumes“ bei vollständiger Abwesenheit von Feldern und Teilchen des Standardmodells der Elementarteilchenphysik. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Beobachtungen und Abgrenzung 2 Historische Entwicklung 3 Details … Deutsch Wikipedia