Plack — Plack, n. [F. plaque a plate of metal. Cf. {Plaque}.] A small copper coin formerly current in Scotland, worth less than a cent. [1913 Webster] With not a plack in the pocket of the poet. Prof. Wilson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
plack — plack; plack·et; plack·less; … English syllables
plack|et — «PLAK iht», noun. 1. an opening or slit in a garment, especially at the top of a skirt, to make it easy to put on. 2. a pocket in a skirt. 3. Archaic. a) an apron. b) a petticoat. c) a woman. ╂[perhaps (originally) placcat a kind of undergarment… … Useful english dictionary
Plack — A plack (Scottish Gaelic: plang ) was an ancient Scottish coin of the value of one twelfth of an English penny. It appears in the old song::A’ that e’er my Jeanie had,:My Jeanie had, my Jeanie had,:A’ that e’er my Jeanie had::Was ae… … Wikipedia
Plack — Arno Plack (* 1930 in Landshut) ist ein deutscher Philosoph und Buchautor. Leben Arno Plack studierte in Regensburg, München, Heidelberg und Saarbrücken Philosophie, Psychologie, Geschichte, Soziologie und Jura und promovierte 1962 an der Ludwig… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Plack — Wo en gueden Plack1 is, doa smitt der Düwel en Klausterken oder en Junker. (Westf.) 1) Auch Plecken, Fleck, Stelle, Platz. [Zusätze und Ergänzungen] *2. Man hat immer seinen Plack … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
plack — ˈplak noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English plakke, from Middle Dutch placke a coin more at plaque 1. : a small billon coin of Scotland issued from James III to James VI; also : a corresponding unit of value half plack coin … Useful english dictionary
plack — /plak/, n. a very small copper coin used in Scotland in the 15th and 16th centuries as a four penny piece. [1425 75; late ME placke < MD: name of a coin] * * * … Universalium
plack — noun /plæk/ Any of various small coins used in Scotland and the Netherlands during the 15th and 16th centuries, having a value in Scotland of four pennies Scots … Wiktionary
Plack — Plạck, der; s, s <Pl. selten> [zu ↑Plage] (landsch., bes. ostmd.): schwere [körperliche] Arbeit … Universal-Lexikon
Plack — Plackm 1.Fleck;Schmutzkruste.AusdemNiederdinmhdZeitvolkstümlichgeworden;vglfranz»plaque«. 2.mühseligeArbeit;Qual.VokalgekürzteNebenformzu»Plage«.Seitdem19.Jh … Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache