- pithecoid
- [pıʹθi:kɔıd] n зоол.
высшая обезьяна, антропоид
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pithecoid — Pith e*coid, a. [Gr. ? an ape + oid.] (Zo[ o]l.) 1. Of or pertaining to the genus {Pithecia}, or subfamily {Pithecin[ae]}, which includes the saki, ouakari, and other allied South American monkeys. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or pertaining to the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pithecoid — Resembling an ape. [G. pithekos, ape, + eidos, resemblance] * * * pith·e·coid pith ə .kȯid adj of, relating to, or resembling monkeys <assumed a pithecoid posture> * * * pith·e·coid (pithґə koid) [Gr. pithēkos ape + oid] apelike … Medical dictionary
pithecoid — /ˈpɪθəkɔɪd/ (say pithuhkoyd) adjective of, relating to, or resembling the apes, especially the anthropoid apes: pithecoid man. {Greek pithēkos ape + oid} …
pithecoid — a. pertaining to anthropoid apes. ♦ pithecism, n. pithecoid characters in Man. ♦ pithecomorphic, a. like anthropoid apes … Dictionary of difficult words
pithecoid — I. ˈpithə̇ˌkȯid, pə̇ˈthēˌk adjective Etymology: New Latin Pithecia + English oid 1. : of or relating to Pithecia or closely related genera 2. a. : pithecan … Useful english dictionary
pithecoid — /pith i koyd , pi thee koyd/, adj. 1. belonging or pertaining to the genus Pithecia and related genera, including the saki monkeys. 2. (loosely) apelike; monkeylike. [1860 65; < NL pithec(us) ape ( < Gk píthekos) + OID] * * * … Universalium
pithecoid — adj. pertaining to the apes; like an ape, resembling an ape pɪθɪkɔɪd ,pɪ θɪËk … English contemporary dictionary
pithecoid — pithe·coid … English syllables
pithecoid theory — the theory that humans are descended from apelike ancestors … Medical dictionary
Reaction to Darwin's theory — This article deals with Darwin s life during the period from 1859 to 1861, including immediate reactions to his publication of The Origin of Species . For events leading up to this period, see inception of Darwin s theory, development of Darwin s … Wikipedia
pithécoïde — ● pithécoïde adjectif (grec pithêkoeidês) Qui a l aspect extérieur d un singe. ⇒PITHÉCOÏDE, adj. ZOOL. Qui rappelle les singes, qui présente les caractères des singes. Les premiers restes (...) se réduisent à deux dents (...) décrites par Nehring … Encyclopédie Universelle