- bacchae
- [ʹbæki:] n pl
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
BACCHAE — vide Bacchus. Earum proprium bacchari est, sicut gallare Gallorum Cybeles. Bacchantis autem mulieris insaniam, ad exemplum Cassandrae apud Virgilium Amataeque, Lucan. sic describit l. 1. v. 674. Nam qualis vertice Pindi Edonis Ogygio decurrit… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Bacchae — BACCHAE, arum, Gr. Βάκχαι, ων, waren ein Haufen schwärmender Weiber, welche den Bacchus auf seinem Zuge in Indien begleiteten, und hernachmals dessen Priesterinnen abgaben. Struvius Synt. A. R. c. 12. p. 633. Sie hießen sonst auch Mænades,… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Bacchae — female attendants of Bacchus, from Gk. Bakkhai, pl. of Bakkhe, from Bakkhos (see BACCHUS (Cf. Bacchus)) … Etymology dictionary
Bacchae — [bak′ē] pl.n. [L < Gr Bakchai < Bakchos,BACCHUS] 1. Gr. Myth. women companions of Bacchus 2. priestesses of Bacchus 3. the women who took part in the Bacchanalia … English World dictionary
Bacchae (comics) — Superteambox| caption= comic color=background:#ff8080 team name=Bacchae publisher=Marvel Comics debut= Fantastic Four vol. 3 #7 creators= status=Unknown base=Tartarus, Wall Street alliance color=background:#c0c0ff members=Bloody Mary Diane Sabine … Wikipedia
Bacchae — noun plural Etymology: Latin, from Greek Bakchai, from Bakchos Bacchus Date: 1639 1. the female attendants or priestesses of Bacchus 2. the women participating in the Bacchanalia … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bacchae — /bak ee/, n.pl. Class. Myth. 1. the female attendants of Bacchus. 2. the priestesses of Bacchus. 3. the women who took part in the Bacchanalia. [ < L < Gk Bákkhai, pl. of BÁKKHE maenad] * * * … Universalium
Bacchae — n. (Greek Mythology) priestesses of Bacchus; women who participated in the Bacchanalia; maenad, bacchante, female follower of Bacchus … English contemporary dictionary
bacchae — bac·chae … English syllables
Bacchae — Bac•chae [[t]ˈbæk i[/t]] n. pl. 1) myt the female attendants or worshippers of Bacchus 2) myt the women who took part in the Bacchanalia • Etymology: < L < Gk … From formal English to slang
bacchae — ˈbakˌē, kˌī noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: Latin, from Greek Bakchai, plural of Bakchē maenad : maenads … Useful english dictionary