- pintail
- [ʹpınteıl] n зоол.
1. шилохвость (Anas acuta)2. ямайская савка (Oxyura jamaicensis)3. острохвостый тетерев (Pedioecetes phasianellus)4. = pin-tailed sand grouse
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pintail — [pin′tāl΄] n. pl. pintails or pintail 1. any of several ducks, esp. a species (Anas acuta) with a long neck and long, pointed middle tail feathers ☆ 2. any variety of grouse with a long, pointed tail pintailed [pin′tāld΄] adj … English World dictionary
Pintail — Pin tail , n. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A northern duck ({Dafila acuta}), native of both continents. The adult male has a long, tapering tail. Called also {gray duck}, {piketail}, {piket tail}, {spike tail}, {split tail}, {springtail}, {sea pheasant}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pintail — ► NOUN ▪ a duck with a long pointed tail … English terms dictionary
pintail — /pin tayl /, n., pl. pintails, (esp. collectively) pintail. 1. a long necked river duck, Anas acuta, of the Old and New Worlds, having long and narrow middle tail feathers. 2. See sharp tailed grouse. [1760 70; PIN + TAIL1] * * * Any of four… … Universalium
pintail — noun (plural pintail or pintails) Date: 1768 a bird having elongated central tail feathers; especially a slender duck (Anas acuta) of the northern hemisphere with the male having a brown head, a white breast with a white line continuing up the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
pintail — /ˈpɪnteɪl/ (say pintayl) noun 1. → rainbow bee eater. 2. any of various ducks of the genus Anas, having long narrow middle tail feathers, as the northern pintail, A. acuta, a long necked duck of the Old and New Worlds. 3. the pin tailed sand… …
pintail duck — pintail duck, a freshwater duck of the Northern Hemisphere, with a pointed tail, the two middle feathers being longer than the rest; pintail … Useful english dictionary
Pintail Snipe — Taxobox name = Pintail Snipe status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Charadriiformes familia = Scolopacidae genus = Gallinago species = G. stenura binomial = Gallinago stenura binomial… … Wikipedia
pintail snipe — rytinis perkūno oželis statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Gallinago stenura angl. pintail snipe vok. Spießbekassine, f rus. азиатский бекас, m pranc. bécassine à queue pointue, f ryšiai: platesnis terminas – perkūno oželiai … Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas
pintail — noun A dabbling duck, Anas acuta, of the northern hemisphere that has a long pointed tail … Wiktionary
pintail — n. species of long necked duck that lives in Europe and North America … English contemporary dictionary