pinprick — (n.) 1862, from PIN (Cf. pin) (n.) + PRICK (Cf. prick) (n.). Used figuratively of petty irritations from 1885 … Etymology dictionary
pinprick — ► NOUN 1) a prick caused by a pin. 2) a very small dot or amount … English terms dictionary
pinprick — [pin′prik΄] n. 1. any tiny puncture made by or as by a pin 2. a minor irritation or annoyance … English World dictionary
pinprick — UK [ˈpɪnˌprɪk] / US noun [countable] Word forms pinprick : singular pinprick plural pinpricks 1) a quick pain that you feel when a needle is pushed into your skin 2) a very small round spot of something a pinprick of light … English dictionary
pinprick — pin|prick [ˈpınˌprık] n 1.) a very small area or ↑dot of something pinprick of ▪ a pinprick of light 2.) a very small hole in something, similar to one made by a pin 3.) something that slightly annoys you ▪ These problems were pinpricks compared… … Dictionary of contemporary English
pinprick — [[t]pɪ̱nprɪk[/t]] pinpricks also pin prick, pin prick N COUNT: with supp A very small spot of something can be described as a pinprick. ...a pinprick of light... She looked up at me with pinpricks of sweat along her hairline … English dictionary
pinprick — 1. noun a) An insignificant puncture made by a pin or similar point. b) A mildly annoying wound or damage. 2. verb To produce a jabbing sensation like a pinprick. The water pinpricked her face as she stepped into the shower … Wiktionary
pinprick — noun (C) 1 (C) a very small area or dot of something (+ of): a pinprick of light 2 a very small hole in something, similar to one made by a pin 3 something that slightly annoys you … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
pinprick — /ˈpɪnprɪk/ (say pinprik) noun 1. any small puncture made by or as by a pin. 2. any petty annoyance. 3. the sensation of being pricked with or as with a pin: to feel a pinprick. –pinpricked, adjective –pinpricking, noun …
pinprick — I. noun Date: circa 1860 1. a small puncture made by or as if by a pin 2. a petty irritation or annoyance II. verb Date: 1899 transitive verb to administer pinpricks to intransitive verb to administer pinpricks … New Collegiate Dictionary
pinprick — /pin prik /, n. 1. any minute puncture made by a pin or the like. 2. a negligible irritation or annoyance. [1745 55; PIN + PRICK] * * * … Universalium