
1. [pınʹdærık] n лит.
1) пиндарический стих; пиндарическая ода (тж. Pindaric ode)
2) pl пиндарические стихи, оды
2. [pınʹdærık] a лит.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pindaric" в других словарях:

  • pindaric — PINDÁRIC, Ă, pindarici, ce, adj. (livr.; despre poezii, versuri, etc.) Care este scris in genul poetului antic grec Pindar. – Din fr. pindarique. Trimis de baron, 21.01.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  pindáric adj. m., pl. pindárici; f …   Dicționar Român

  • Pindaric — Pin*dar ic, a. [L. Pindaricus, Gr. ?, fr. ? (L. Pindarus) Pindar: cf. F. pindarique.] Of or pertaining to Pindar, the Greek lyric poet; after the style and manner of Pindar; as, Pindaric odes. n. A Pindaric ode. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pindaric — [pin dar′ik] adj. [L Pindaricus < Gr Pindarikos] 1. of, characteristic of, or in the style of, Pindar 2. designating an ode having two metrical forms, one for the strophe and antistrophe and another for the epode n. a Pindaric ode …   English World dictionary

  • Pindaric — 1630s, pertaining to or in the style of Pindar, from Gk. Pindaros, Greek lyric poet (c.522 443 B.C.E.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Pindaric — I. adjective Date: 1640 1. of or relating to the poet Pindar 2. written in the manner or style characteristic of Pindar II. noun Date: 1671 1. a Pindaric ode 2. plural loose irregular verses similar to those used in Pindaric odes …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Pindaric — Pindarically, adv. /pin dar ik/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or in the style of Pindar. 2. of elaborate form and metrical structure, as an ode or verse. n. 3. See Pindaric ode. [1630 40; < L Pindaricus < Gk Pindarikós. See PINDAR, IC] * * * …   Universalium

  • Pindaric — noun an ode form used by Pindar; has triple groups of triple units • Syn: ↑Pindaric ode • Hypernyms: ↑ode …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pindaric ode — Pros. an ode consisting of several units, each of which is composed of a strophe and an antistrophe of identical form followed by a contrasting epode. Also called regular ode. [1630 40] * * * Ceremonious poem in the manner of Pindar, who employed …   Universalium

  • Pindaric ode — noun an ode form used by Pindar; has triple groups of triple units • Syn: ↑Pindaric • Hypernyms: ↑ode * * * Pros. an ode consisting of several units, each of which is composed of a strophe and an antistrophe of identical form followed by a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pindaric — 1. adjective Of or pertaining to Pindar 2. noun An ode of an irregular form erroneously derived from Pindar, popular in the late 17th and early 18th centuries …   Wiktionary

  • pindàric — pin|dà|ric Mot Pla Adjectiu variable …   Diccionari Català-Català

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