- pilot study
- [ʹpaılət͵stʌdı]
предварительное, экспериментальное исследование
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pilot study — pilot study, a preliminary study to determine factors requiring analysis, as a tentative analysis, often of sociological data … Useful english dictionary
Pilot Study — [ paɪlət stʌdɪ, englisch], Pilotstudi|e, empirische Sozialforschung: die Leitstudie … Universal-Lexikon
pilot study — A small scale marketing research study conducted as a trial so that any problems can be eliminated before a full study is undertaken. For example, a pilot study might show that changes are needed in a questionnaire because questions are ambiguous … Big dictionary of business and management
pilot study — bandomasis tyrimas statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai apibrėžtis Tyrimo metodo tikrinimas tiriant mažą žmonių grupę. Jei metodas tinkamas, jis vėliau taikomas dideliems tyrimams. atitikmenys: angl. pilot study šaltinis Pagrindinės… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
pilot study — bandomasis tyrimas statusas T sritis Politika apibrėžtis Empirinis mažos apimties tyrimas, skirtas testuoti, tobulinti tyrimo instrumentą arba formuluoti prielaidas. Paprastai atliekamas prieš kiekvieną sudėtingesnį empirinį tyrimą. Ypač… … Politikos mokslų enciklopedinis žodynas
pilot study — Any small scale test of a research instrument (such as a questionnaire, experiment, or interview schedule), run in advance of the main fieldwork, and used to test the utility of the research design. Pilot studies therefore very in size and nature … Dictionary of sociology
pilot study — /ˈpaɪlət stʌdi/ (say puyluht studee) noun a limited research undertaking designed as a preliminary test of the hypotheses and methods of a subsequent major project: *So far pilot studies suggest that there were definite benefits from soya for… …
pilot study — The initial study examining a new method or treatment … English dictionary of cancer terms
Pilot experiment — A pilot experiment, also called a pilot study, is a small scale preliminary study conducted in order to evaluate feasibility, time, cost, adverse events, and effect size (statistical variability) in an attempt to predict an appropriate sample… … Wikipedia
pilot — pi|lot1 W3 [ˈpaılət] n [Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: pilote, from Italian pedota, from Greek pedon oar ] 1.) someone who operates the controls of an aircraft or spacecraft ▪ an airline pilot ▪ a fighter pilot ▪ The official repo … Dictionary of contemporary English
pilot — I UK [ˈpaɪlət] / US noun [countable] Word forms pilot : singular pilot plural pilots *** 1) someone who flies an aircraft He s training to be an airline pilot. 2) someone who leads a ship through a difficult or dangerous area of water 3) a… … English dictionary