
1. [ʹpılərı] n
1. ист. позорный столб
2. посмешище

to be in the pillory - быть посмешищем

to put /to set, to fasten/ in the pillory - сделать посмешищем, выставить на посмешище; пригвоздить к позорному столбу

2. [ʹpılərı] v
1) ист. выставлять к позорному столбу
2) пригвоздить к позорному столбу; выставить на осмеяние, поругание; осудить

the candidate mercilessly pilloried his opponent - кандидат безжалостно издевался над своим политическим противником

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pillory" в других словарях:

  • Pillory — Pil lo*ry, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pilloried}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pillorying}.] [Cf. F. pilorier.] 1. To set in, or punish with, the pillory. Hungering for Puritans to pillory. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] 2. Figuratively, to expose to public scorn.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pillory — ► NOUN (pl. pillories) ▪ a wooden framework with holes for the head and hands, in which offenders were formerly imprisoned and exposed to public abuse. ► VERB (pillories, pilloried) 1) put in a pillory. 2) attack or ridicule publicly. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • pillory — [pil′ə rē] n. pl. pillories [ME pilory < OFr pilori < ML pilorium < L pila, column + orium, ORY] 1. a device consisting of a wooden board with holes for the head and hands, in which petty offenders were formerly locked and exposed to… …   English World dictionary

  • Pillory — Pil lo*ry, n.; pl. {Pillories}. [F. pilori; cf. Pr. espitlori, LL. piloricum, pilloricum, pellericum, pellorium, pilorium, spilorium; perhaps from a derivative of L. speculari to look around, observe. Cf. {Speculate}.] A frame of adjustable… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pillory — (spr. Pilleri), in England eine Art Pranger, wobei Kopf u. Füße des Bestraften in enge Löcher gezwängt werden, u. derselbe so allen Mißhandlungen des Pöbels ausgesetzt ist …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Pillory — (pillri), der engl. Pranger, Schandpfahl …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • pillory — I verb accuse, asperse, attaint, befoul, belittle, berate, besmear, besmirch, bespatter, blacken, blot, brand, bring shame upon, calumniate, cast a slur upon, cast aspersions on, cause a scandal, damage a reputation, debase, defame, defile,… …   Law dictionary

  • pillory — (n.) late 13c. (attested in Anglo L. from late 12c.), from O.Fr. pellori (mid 12c.), from M.L. pilloria, of uncertain origin, perhaps a dim of L. pila pillar, stone barrier (see PILLAR (Cf. pillar)). The verb is first attested c.1600. Related:… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Pillory — The pillory was a device used in punishment by public humiliation and often additional, sometimes lethal, physical abuse.The word is documented in English since 1274 (attested in Anglo Latin from c.1189), and stems from Old French pellori (1168;… …   Wikipedia

  • pillory — I UK [ˈpɪlərɪ] / US verb [transitive] Word forms pillory : present tense I/you/we/they pillory he/she/it pillories present participle pillorying past tense pilloried past participle pilloried formal to criticize someone publicly He was pilloried… …   English dictionary

  • Pillory — A device which held an offender by head and hands or by hands and feet for public punishment, where public humiliation was intense. Offenders were to be amerced the first two or three times, so long as the offence were not too grievous. However,… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

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