- pillage
- 1. [ʹpılıdʒ] n
1. 1) грабёж, ограбление2) мародёрство2. награбленное (добро), добыча2. [ʹpılıdʒ] v1) грабить2) мародёрствовать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pillage — [ pijaʒ ] n. m. • déb. XIVe; de piller 1 ♦ Action de piller; vols et dégâts commis par ceux qui pillent. ⇒ déprédation, dévastation, razzia, 2. sac, saccage. Scènes de pillage. « Jaffa fut livré au pillage et à toutes les horreurs de la guerre »… … Encyclopédie Universelle
pillage — Pillage. s. m. v. Saccagement. Donner au pillage. mettre au pillage. abandonner au pillage. la ville fut abandonnée au pillage. on promit le pillage de la ville aux soldats. il arriva une chose extraordinaire dans le pillage de cette ville. On… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Pillage — Pil lage, n. [F., fr. piller to plunder. See {Pill} to plunder.] 1. The act of pillaging; robbery. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is taken from another or others by open force, particularly and chiefly from enemies in war; plunder; spoil;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pillage — Pillage, Praeda. Mettre un gendarme en appetit de pillage, Imbuere praeda ciuili militem. B. ex Tacit. Ils passent le fleuve en esperance d avoir tout le pillage et la despoüille, In spem vniuersae praedae traiiciunt flumen. Donner à aucun le… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
pillage — pil·lage / pi lij/ vb pil·laged, pil·lag·ing vt: to loot or plunder esp. in war vi: to take booty pillage n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Pillage — Pil lage, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Pillaged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pillaging}.] To strip of money or goods by open violence; to plunder; to spoil; to lay waste; as, to pillage the camp of an enemy. [1913 Webster] Mummius . . . took, pillaged, and burnt… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pillage — Pil lage, v. i. To take spoil; to plunder; to ravage. [1913 Webster] They were suffered to pillage wherever they went. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pillage — vb *ravage, devastate, waste, sack, despoil, spoliate Analogous words: plunder, loot, *rob, rifle: invade, encroach, irespass: confiscate, *arrogate, appropriate, usurp … New Dictionary of Synonyms
pillage — [v] plunder, destroy appropriate, arrogate, confiscate, depredate, desecrate, desolate, despoil, devastate, devour, gut, invade, lay waste*, lift*, loot, maraud, nab*, pilfer, pinch*, purloin, raid, ransack, ravage, rifle*, rob, ruin, sack, spoil … New thesaurus
pillage — ► VERB ▪ rob or steal with violence, especially in wartime. ► NOUN ▪ the action of pillaging. DERIVATIVES pillager noun. ORIGIN Old French, from piller to plunder … English terms dictionary
pillage — [pil′ij] n. [ME pilage < MFr < piller: see PILL2] 1. the act of plundering 2. that which is plundered; booty; loot vt. pillaged, pillaging 1. to deprive of money or property by violence; loot … English World dictionary