pigeons blood

pigeons blood

pigeon's blood
1> кроваво-красный, цвета рубина
2> _разг. соевый соус

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pigeons blood" в других словарях:

  • Blood Relations (play) — Blood Relations is a psychological murder mystery by Sharon Pollock. The play is based on historical fact and speculation surrounding the life of Lizzie Borden and the murders of her father and stepmother, crimes with which Borden was charged.… …   Wikipedia

  • Blood (banda japonesa) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda BLOOD es una banda originaria de Osaka (Japón) formada a principios de 2002. Este grupo musical retoma el estilo denominado Visual Kei para poder fortalecer el concepto gótico que ellos manejan. BLOOD en el Salón del …   Wikipedia Español

  • pigeons —    Often connected with illness and death in English folklore. Beliefs regarded a pigeon alighting on a bed, or even on a house, as a sign of at least sickness, and sometimes death, and there is a tradition that a sick person asking for a pigeon… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • Even Pigeons Go to Heaven — Mr Moulin getting a sneak preview of Heaven Directed by Samuel Tourneux Produced …   Wikipedia

  • Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation — A new technique in which stem cells are obtained from a patient s blood and used in bone marrow transplantation. Stem cells are small, round cells with a squat nucleus and scant surrounding cytoplasm. Although unremarkable in appearance, stem… …   Medical dictionary

  • Transplantation, peripheral blood stem cell — A new technique in which stem cells are obtained from a patient s blood and used in bone marrow transplantation. Stem cells are small, round cells with a squat nucleus and scant surrounding cytoplasm. Although unremarkable in appearance, stem… …   Medical dictionary

  • animal disease — ▪ non human Introduction       an impairment of the normal state of an animal that interrupts or modifies its vital functions.       Concern with diseases that afflict animals dates from the earliest human contacts with animals and is reflected… …   Universalium

  • красный цвета голубиной крови — Окраска рубина (красный цвет с голубоватым оттенком). Рубины такого цвета считаются самыми ценными. [Англо русский геммологический словарь. Красноярск, КрасБерри. 2007.] Тематики геммология и ювелирное производство EN pigeons blood red …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Vitamin C — This article is about ascorbic acid as a nutrient; for its chemical properties, see the article ascorbic acid; for other uses, see the disambiguation page. Vitamin C …   Wikipedia

  • Metzora (parsha) — Metzora, Metzorah, M’tzora, Mezora, Metsora, or M’tsora (מְּצֹרָע Hebrew for “one being diseased,” the ninth word, and the first distinctive word, in the parshah) is the 28th weekly Torah portion (parshah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah… …   Wikipedia

  • bird — birdless, adj. /berrd/, n. 1. any warm blooded vertebrate of the class Aves, having a body covered with feathers, forelimbs modified into wings, scaly legs, a beak, and no teeth, and bearing young in a hard shelled egg. 2. a fowl or game bird. 3 …   Universalium

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