- pieridine
- [paıʹerıdaın] a энт.
относящийся к семейству бабочек-белянок
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pieridine — /pī erˈi dīn/ adjective Of the Pieridae (see below) • • • Main Entry: ↑Pierian * * * pieridine, a. Entom. (paɪˈɛrɪdaɪn) [ad. mod.L. Pīeridīn æ, f. Pieris, name of the typical genus.] Belonging to the family Pieridæ, or subfamily Pieridinæ of… … Useful english dictionary
pieridine — [pī er′ə dīn΄, pī er′ədin] adj. 〚< ModL Pieridinae < Gr Pieris, any of the Muses〛 of a large family (Pieridae) of small or medium sized butterflies, usually white or yellow with dark markings, including the sulfur and cabbage butterflies * * * … Universalium
pieridine — [pī er′ə dīn΄, pī er′ədin] adj. [< ModL Pieridinae < Gr Pieris, any of the Muses] of a large family (Pieridae) of small or medium sized butterflies, usually white or yellow with dark markings, including the sulfur and cabbage butterflies … English World dictionary
pieridine — /paɪˈɛrədaɪn/ (say puy eruhduyn), / din/ (say deen) adjective of or denoting a butterfly of the large and almost cosmopolitan family Pieridae, which includes various white, yellow, and orange species. {New Latin Pīeridinae, plural, from Pīeris,… …
pi|er|id — «py EHR uhd», adjective, noun. –adj. = pieridine. (Cf. ↑pieridine) –n. a pieridine butterfly … Useful english dictionary
List of animal names — This list gives names of animals used depending on the context. Many species of animals, particularly those domesticated, have been given specific names for the male, the female, and the young of the species. There are a few generic terms, bull… … Wikipedia
pierid — /puy er id, puy euhr /, adj. 1. belonging or pertaining to the Pieridae, a family of butterflies comprising the whites, sulfurs, etc. n. 2. Also called pieridine /puy er i duyn , din/. any member of the butterfly family Pieridae. [1880 85; < NL… … Universalium
pierid — a.,n. (butterfly) belonging to the family including cabbage and other butterflies. ♦ pieridine, a … Dictionary of difficult words