- pierian
- [paıʹı(ə)rıən] a греч. миф.
пиерийский, относящийся к музам, поэзии
Pierian spring - источник знания, поэтического вдохновения, Пиерийский источник; ≅ Кастальский ключ
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pierian spring - источник знания, поэтического вдохновения, Пиерийский источник; ≅ Кастальский ключ
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pierian — Pi*e ri*an, a. [L. Pierius, from Mount Pierus, in Thessaly, sacred to the Muses.] Of or pertaining to Pierides or Muses. [1913 Webster] Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring. Pope. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pierian — 1590s, from L. Pierius Pieria, from Gk. Pieria, district in northern Thessaly, reputed home of the Muses … Etymology dictionary
Pierian — [pī ir′ē ən] adj. 1. of Pieria, where the Muses were anciently worshiped 2. of the Muses or the arts … English World dictionary
pierian — (ˈ)pī|irēən, ī|er adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin pierius Pierian (from Greek Pieria, region of ancient Macedonia) + English an 1. : of or relating to the region of Pieria in ancient Macedonia or to the Muses as early… … Useful english dictionary
Pierian Spring — The Pierian Spring is mentioned in Alexander Pope s poem Essay on Criticism as the metaphorical source of knowledge about art and science: Pieria is a district of Macedonia believed to be the home of the Muses, the deities of the arts and… … Wikipedia
Pierian Spring — Class. Myth. a fountain in Pieria, sacred to the Muses and supposedly conferring inspiration or learning on anyone who drank from it. * * * Pierian spring, the fountain of knowledge and poetic inspiration: »A little learning is a dangerous thing; … Useful english dictionary
Pierian — adjective Date: 1591 1. of or relating to the region of Pieria in ancient Macedonia or to the Muses who were once worshipped there 2. of or relating to learning or poetry … New Collegiate Dictionary
Pierian — /puy ear ee euhn/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the Muses. 2. of or pertaining to poetry or poetic inspiration. 3. of or pertaining to Pieria. [1585 95; < L Pieri(us) of Pieria + AN] * * * … Universalium
Pierian — Synonyms and related words: Alcaic, Anacreontic, Castalian, Homeric, Hudibrastic, Pindaric, Theocritean, bardic, bucolic, didactic, dithyrambic, dramatic, eclogic, elegiac, epic, heroic, idyllic, mock heroic, narrative, pastoral, poetic, poetico… … Moby Thesaurus
pierian — pi·eri·an … English syllables
Pierian — Pi•e•ri•an [[t]paɪˈɪər i ən[/t]] adj. 1) myt of or pertaining to the Muses 2) pro of or pertaining to poetry or poetic inspiration 3) of or pertaining to Pieria • Etymology: 1585–95; < L Pīeri(us) of Pieria + an I … From formal English to slang