- pidgin english
- [͵pıdʒınʹınglıʃ]
1) англо-туземный гибридный язык2) англо-китайский гибридный язык
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pidgin English — is a non specific name used to refer to any of the many pidgin languages derived from English. English based pidgins include: *American Indian Pidgin English *Bislama (Vanuatu Pidgin English) *Broome Pidgin English *Cameroonian Pidgin English… … Wikipedia
pidgin English — n. [see PIDGIN] 1. a simplified form of English used by certain peoples of E Asia and the South Pacific in dealing with foreigners: there are two forms, Chinese pidgin and Melanesian pidgin, the former based on the syntax of Chinese, the latter… … English World dictionary
pidgin-english — pidgin [ pidʒin ] n. m. • 1924; pudgin 1902; pidjin English 1875; mot angl. (1851), altér. du mot business prononcé par les Chinois ♦ Ling. Langue seconde composite née du contact commercial entre l anglais et les langues d Extrême Orient, qui ne … Encyclopédie Universelle
Pidgin-English — Pidgin English, s. Pigeon English … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Pidgin-English — (spr. piddsch n ingglisch), s. Pigeon Englisch … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
pidgin english — noun Usage: usually capitalized P&E Etymology: pidgin from Pidgin English, business modification of English business : an English based pidgin originally used in Chinese ports * * * 1. a pidgin language based on English formerly used in commerce… … Useful english dictionary
Pidgin-English — Der Begriff Pidgin Sprache (eigentlich nur: „Pidgin“) bezeichnet eine reduzierte Sprachform, die verschiedensprachigen Personen zur Verständigung dient. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Begriffsherkunft 2 Entwicklung 3 Beispiele 4 Siehe auch 5 Weblinks … Deutsch Wikipedia
pidgin English — 1. a pidgin language based on English formerly used in commerce in Chinese ports. 2. a similar language used in other areas, such as Papua New Guinea (where it has semiofficial status) and parts of West Africa. Also, Pidgin English. [1820 30;… … Universalium
pidgin English — pidg′in (or Pidg′in) Eng′lish n. 1) peo Chinese Pidgin English 2) peo any of various other pidgins with lexicons taken primarily from English, as Bislama and New Guinea Pidgin • Etymology: 1820–30; pidgin, pigeon < Chin Pidgin E: business,… … From formal English to slang
Pidgin-English — Pid|gin|eng|lisch, das; [s], Pid|gin|eng|lish, das; , Pid|gin Eng|lisch [ pɪd̮ʒɪn…], das; [s], Pid|gin Eng|lish [ pɪd̮ʒɪn ɪŋglɪʃ], das; [engl. pidgin (English), chin. Entstellung des engl. Wortes business, ↑ Business] (bildungsspr.): Mischsprache … Universal-Lexikon
pidgin English — noun Usage: often capitalized P Etymology: Chinese Pidgin English pidgin business Date: 1859 an English based pidgin; especially one originally used in parts of east Asia … New Collegiate Dictionary