- pickwickian
- [pıkʹwıkıən] a
1. 1) относящийся к Пиквикскому клубу2) шутл. не прямой, не буквальный
in a Pickwickian sense /language/ - туманно
2. в грам. знач. сущ. член Пиквикского клуба
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
in a Pickwickian sense /language/ - туманно
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pickwickian — [pik wik′ē ən] adj. 1. of or characteristic of Mr. Pickwick or the Pickwick Club 2. special, unusual, or esoteric: said of a meaning of a word or phrase … English World dictionary
Pickwickian Sense — Words or epithets, usually of a derogatory or insulting kind, that in certain circumstances are not to be taken as having the same force or implication they ordinarily would have, are said to be Pickwickian. The allusion is to the phrase from… … Dictionary of eponyms
Pickwickian syndrome — Pathol. an abnormality characterized by extreme obesity accompanied by sleepiness, hypoventilation, and polycythemia. Also, Pickwick syndrome. [1955 60; named for Joe, a character in Dickens The Pickwick Papers who exhibited symptoms of the… … Universalium
Pickwickian syndrome — The combination of obesity, somnolence (sleepiness), hypoventilation (underbreathing), and plethoric (red) face. The syndrome is so named because of the fat and red faced boy in a state of somnolency that Charles Dickens described in his novel,… … Medical dictionary
Pickwickian — adjective Etymology: Samuel Pickwick, character in the novel Pickwick Papers (1836 37) by Charles Dickens Date: 1836 1. marked by simplicity and generosity 2. intended or taken in a sense other than the obvious or literal one … New Collegiate Dictionary
Pickwickian — Pickwickianly, adv. /pik wik ee euhn/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Mr. Pickwick, central character of The Pickwick Papers. 2. (of the use or interpretation of an expression) intentionally or unintentionally odd or unusual. 3.… … Universalium
Pickwickian — adj. generous and naive, characterized by simplicity and generosity; not literal, not typical in meaning; strange, abnormal (named after a character in the Charles Dickens novel The Pickwick Papers ); of or pertaining to Mr. Pickwick (a character … English contemporary dictionary
Pickwickian — [pɪk wɪkɪən] adjective of or like Mr Pickwick in Dickens s Pickwick Papers, especially in being jovial, plump, or generous. ↘(of words) misunderstood or misused, especially to avoid offence … English new terms dictionary
pickwickian — pick·wick·i·an … English syllables
Pickwickian — Pick•wick•i•an [[t]pɪkˈwɪk i ən[/t]] adj. 1) simple, kind, endearing, or otherwise like Mr. Pickwick, central character of Charles Dickens novel The Pickwick Papers (1837) 2) (of the use or interpretation of a word or phrase) odd or unusual … From formal English to slang
Pickwickian — /pɪkˈwɪkiən/ (say pik wikeeuhn) adjective (of the use or interpretation of an expression) unusual, or intended to be understood in an unusual sense; recondite. {from Samuel Pickwick, the benevolent, naive founder of the Pickwick Club, in The… …