- picaresque
- [͵pıkəʹresk] a лит.
picaresque novel /romance/ - плутовской роман
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
picaresque novel /romance/ - плутовской роман
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
picaresque — [ pikarɛsk ] adj. • 1835; esp. picaresco, de picaro « aventurier » ♦ Hist. littér. Relatif ou propre aux picaros, aventuriers espagnols (type littéraire du XVIe au XVIIIe s.). Aventures, mœurs picaresques. ♢ Qu … Encyclopédie Universelle
Picaresque — Studioalbum von The Decemberists Veröffentlichung 22. März 2005 Aufnahme August – September 2004 Lab … Deutsch Wikipedia
picaresque — (adj.) 1810, from Sp. picaresco roguish, from picaro rogue, possibly from picar to pierce, from V.L. *piccare (see PIKE (Cf. pike) (n.2)). Originally in roman picaresque rogue novel, the classic example being Gil Blas … Etymology dictionary
Picaresque — Pic a*resque , a. [F., fr. Sp. picaro rogue.] Applied to that class of literature in which the principal personage is the Spanish picaro, meaning a rascal, a knave, a rogue, an adventurer. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
picaresque — is used to describe a type of fiction concerned with the adventures of a rogue (from Spanish picaro meaning ‘rogue’). The type is represented in 18c English literature by Defoe s Moll Flanders (1722), Fielding s Tom Jones (1749), and other… … Modern English usage
picaresque — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to fiction dealing with the adventures of a dishonest but appealing hero. ORIGIN Spanish picaresco, from pícaro rogue … English terms dictionary
picaresque — [pik΄ə resk′] adj. [Sp picaresco < pícaro, rascal, orig. knavish, vile] 1. of, like, or having to do with sharp witted vagabonds or rogues 2. designating or characteristic of a kind of fiction that originated in Spain and deals episodically… … English World dictionary
Picaresque — Roman picaresque Le roman picaresque La Vie de Lazarillo de Tormes (1554) Le roman picaresque (de l espagnol pícaro, « misérable », « futé ») est un genre littéraire né en Espagne au XVIe siècle et qui a connu sa plu … Wikipédia en Français
picaresque — I. adjective Etymology: Spanish picaresco, from pícaro Date: 1810 of or relating to rogues or rascals; also of, relating to, suggesting, or being a type of fiction dealing with the episodic adventures of a usually roguish protagonist < a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
picaresque — /pik euh resk /, adj. 1. pertaining to, characteristic of, or characterized by a form of prose fiction, originally developed in Spain, in which the adventures of an engagingly roguish hero are described in a series of usually humorous or satiric… … Universalium
picaresque — [[t]pɪ̱kəre̱sk[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n A picaresque story is one in which a dishonest but likeable person travels around and has lots of exciting experiences. [LITERARY] ...a picaresque novel about the life and crimes of Joey Blueglass … English dictionary