- physical training
- [͵fızık(ə)lʹtreınıŋ]
1. гимнастика2. физическая культура, физическая подготовка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
physical training — noun Instruction in sport and gymnastics in the armed services • • • Main Entry: ↑physical * * * ˌphysical ˈtraining [physical training] noun = ↑PT … Useful english dictionary
physical training — fizinis ugdymas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Fizinių ypatybių, gebėjimų, reikalingų sudėtingai žmogaus veiklai, ugdymas fiziniais pratimais. atitikmenys: angl. physical education; physical training vok. Körpererziehung, f; … Sporto terminų žodynas
physical training — fizinis rengimasis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Fizinių pratimų, žaidimų naudojimas lavinant fizines ypatybes, kompleksinius gebėjimus ir norint išmokyti kurios nors specialios veiklos. Fizinis rengimas(is) yra pagrindinė… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Physical Training Instructor — (PTI) is a term used primarily in the British Armed Forces and British police for an instructor in physical fitness.In the Army, there is a separate branch, such as the Army Physical Training Corps, who oversee physical training and manage… … Wikipedia
Physical Training Instructor (Singapore Armed Forces) — Physical Training Instructor ( PTI ), also known as Fitness Specialist ( FS ) is a term used in the Singapore Armed Forces for an instructor in Physical Training.In the armed forces, they are usually specialists who serve with a minimum rank of… … Wikipedia
physical training — training of the body through physical exercise … English contemporary dictionary
Physical training uniform — The physical training uniform is a military uniform used during calisthenics drills and, in some cases, very casual periods of time (off duty time during Initial Entry Training in the Army, for example). The United States Army, Marines, Navy, and … Wikipedia
physical training — /fɪzəkəl ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ (say fizuhkuhl trayning) noun → physical education. Abbrev.: PT …
physical training officer — officer in charge of the physical education of soldiers, officer that helps soldiers in sports and athletics … English contemporary dictionary
Army Physical Training Corps — The Army Physical Training Corps (APTC) is the British Army corps responsible for physical fitness and physical education. Its members are all Physical Training Instructors (PTIs).The APTC was formed in 1860 as the Army Gymnastic Staff. It was… … Wikipedia
Army School of Physical Training — The Army School of Physical Training (ASPT) is the headquarters of the British Army Physical Training Corps (APTC) and the central training establishment for physical education, physical fitness and sports instructors in the British Army. It is… … Wikipedia