- photoelectric
- [͵fəʋtəʋıʹlektrık] a
photoelectric cell - фотоэлемент
photoelectric fuse - воен. фотоэлектрический взрыватель
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
photoelectric cell - фотоэлемент
photoelectric fuse - воен. фотоэлектрический взрыватель
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
photoelectric — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ characterized by or involving the emission of electrons from a surface by the action of light … English terms dictionary
photoelectric — [fōt΄ō ē lek′trik] adj. [ PHOTO + ELECTRIC] of or having to do with the electric effects produced by light or other radiation, esp. as in the emission of electrons by certain substances when subjected to light or radiation of suitable wavelength … English World dictionary
photoelectric — adj. marked by or using emissions of electrons from substances exposed to light. Phrases and idioms: photoelectric cell a device using this effect to generate current. Derivatives: photoelectricity n … Useful english dictionary
Photoelectric efficiency — is described as the decrease in the photoelectric current as the frequency of electromagnetic radiation falling on a metal surface increases. As the frequency of the incident radiation increases with constant intensity, the number of photons in… … Wikipedia
photoelectric cell — ► NOUN ▪ a device using a photoelectric effect to generate current … English terms dictionary
photoelectric exposure meter — photoelectric exposure meter, Photography. a type of exposure meter in which the light on a subject is measured by a photoelectric cell … Useful english dictionary
Photoelectric Device — [engl.], fotoelektrisches Gerät … Universal-Lexikon
photoelectric cell — n 1.) an electronic instrument that changes light into electricity 2.) an electronic instrument that uses light to start an electrical effect, often used in ↑burglar alarms … Dictionary of contemporary English
photoelectric effect — Photoelectric Effect Фотоэлектрический эффект явление испускания электронов веществом под действием света. Было открыто в 1887 Г.Герцем, обнаружившим, что искровой разряд в воздушном промежутке легче возникает при наличии поблизости другого… … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
photoelectric cell — ☆ photoelectric cell n. a photodetector that regulates or produces a current or voltage in response to certain types of radiation, esp. visible light: typically incorporated in an electric circuit and used in mechanical devices as to open doors,… … English World dictionary
Photoelectric effect — The photoelectric effect is a quantum electronic phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from matter after the absorption of energy from electromagnetic radiation such as x rays or visible light.cite book | title = Physics for Scientists… … Wikipedia