- azoic
- [etʹzəʋık] a
1) (тж. Azoic) геол. азойский2) не содержащий органических остатков
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Azoic — A*zo ic, a. [Gr. a priv. + ? life, from ? to live.] Destitute of any vestige of organic life, or at least of animal life; anterior to the existence of animal life; formed when there was no animal life on the globe; as, the azoic. rocks. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
azoic — AZÓIC, Ă, azoici, ce, adj. (Biol; despre mediu) Care este lipsit de viaţă animală. [pr.: zo ic] – Din fr. azoïque. Trimis de ana zecheru, 26.01.2005. Sursa: DEX S 88 AZÓIC s. v. arhaic. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime azóic adj … Dicționar Român
azoic — [ə zō′ik, āzō′ik] adj. [Gr azōos (< a , without + zōē, life: see BIO ) + IC] 1. without any life [an azoic ecological zone] 2. [usually A ] designating or of the earliest part of the Archean Eon, when there was no life on earth … English World dictionary
azoic — (adj.) 1854, from Gk. azoos (from a not, without + zoon animal, see ZOO (Cf. zoo)) + IC (Cf. ic) … Etymology dictionary
azoic — adjective Destitute of any vestige of organic life, or at least of animal life; anterior to the existence of animal life; formed when there was no animal life on the globe; as, the azoic rocks … Wiktionary
Azoic Age — Azoic Age, Azoic Age, Azoic Era, Azoic Period and Azoic Eon were terms used before 1950 to describe the age of rocks formed before the appearance of life in the geologic sequence. The word Azoic is derived from the Greek a meaning without and… … Wikipedia
Azoic age — Azoic A*zo ic, a. [Gr. a priv. + ? life, from ? to live.] Destitute of any vestige of organic life, or at least of animal life; anterior to the existence of animal life; formed when there was no animal life on the globe; as, the azoic. rocks.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
azoic dye — noun also azoic ( s) : any of a group of water insoluble azo dyes formed by coupling of the components on the fiber called also ice color, ingrain dye; see dye table I * * * /a zoh ik/, Chem. any of a group of brilliant, long lasting azo dyes,… … Useful english dictionary
azoic — adjective Etymology: 2a + Greek zōē life more at quick Date: 1845 having no living beings; especially of or relating to the part of geologic time that antedates life compare Archean 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary
azoic — azoic1 /euh zoh ik, ay /, adj. Geol. (formerly) noting or pertaining to the Precambrian Era, esp. that part formerly believed to precede the first appearance of life; Archean. Cf. Eozoic. [1840 50; < Gk ázo(os) lifeless (see AZO ) + IC] azoic2 /a … Universalium
azoic — Containing no living things; without organic life. [G. a priv. + zoikos, relating to an animal] * * * azo·ic (a zoґik) [a 1 + Gr. zōe life] 1. devoid of living organisms. 2. a protoplasmic poison, hydrazoic acid, N3H, resembling hydrocyanic… … Medical dictionary