- phooey
- [ʹfu:ı] int разг.
1. тьфу!, фу!2. да ну!, подумаешь! (выражает пренебрежение)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
phooey — expression of contempt, 1929, from Yiddish, from Ger. pfui (attested in English from 1866); popularized by Walter Winchell. Phoo vocalic gesture expressing contemptuous rejection is recorded from 1640s … Etymology dictionary
phooey — [fo͞o′ē] interj. [echoic of spitting sound, like (or ? <) Ger pfui] used to express contempt, disgust, or mocking disagreement … English World dictionary
phooey — AND fooey 1. n. nonsense. □ Your story is just a lot of phooey. □ I’ve heard enough fooey. Let’s get out of here. 2. ex clam. <an expression of disgust, disagreement, or resignation.> (Usually Phooey! or Fooey! Used typically when something … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
phooey — /fooh ee/, interj. Informal. (an exclamation indicating rejection, contempt, or disgust): Phooey on all those political promises! [1925 30, Amer.; perh. < G pfui! expression of disgust, conflated with E phoo! with similar force] * * * … Universalium
phooey — interjection (expresses disgust) phooey on! … Combinatory dictionary
phooey — oh no, darn it, nuts, rats, shucks Phooey! I hit my golf ball into the water again! … English idioms
phooey\ boo — To show disappointment. Phooey boo on you, duck. You stole my piece of bread … Dictionary of american slang
phooey\ boo — To show disappointment. Phooey boo on you, duck. You stole my piece of bread … Dictionary of american slang
phooey — interjection Date: 1929 used to express repudiation or disgust … New Collegiate Dictionary
phooey — interjection An expression of disgust, rejection, or disappointment … Wiktionary
Phooey — exclamation denoting contempt, disbelief, rejection, etc. (variant of phew ) … Dictionary of Australian slang