- phonoscope
- [ʹfəʋnəskəʋp] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
phonoscope — [fɔnɔskɔp] n. m. ÉTYM. 1892; « appareil destiné à l étude de la voix », 1888; de phono , et scope. ❖ ♦ Anciennt. Appareil qui reconstituait les mouvements d une figure parlante. || Le phonoscope, ancêtre du cinéma parlant … Encyclopédie Universelle
Phonoscope — Pho no*scope, n. [Phono + scope.] (Physics) (a) An instrument for observing or exhibiting the motions or properties of sounding bodies; especially, an apparatus invented by K[ o]nig for testing the quality of musical strings. (b) An instrument… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
phonoscope — [fō′nə skōp΄] n. [ PHONO + SCOPE] an instrument used to observe or exhibit the properties of a sounding body; esp., such an instrument for testing the quality of strings for musical instruments … English World dictionary
Phonoscope Communications — is a broadband and cable television provider with corporate headquarters in Houston, Texas.External links* [http://www.phonoscope.com/ Phonoscope website] * [http://www.phonoscopecable.com/ Phonoscope Cable website] … Wikipedia
phonoscope — /foh neuh skohp /, n. 1. an instrument for making visible the motions or properties of a sounding body. 2. a device for testing the quality of strings for musical instruments. [1880 85; PHONO + SCOPE] * * * … Universalium
phonoscope — noun a device that shows an image representing the acoustical properties of a musical instrument etc … Wiktionary
phonoscope — Obsolete term for an instrument for recording ausculatory percussion; originally used for photographic recording of heart sounds. [phono + G. skopeo, to view] * * * pho·no·scope (foґno skōp) [phono + scope] an instrument for auscultatory… … Medical dictionary
phonoscope — fəʊnÉ™skəʊp n. device for recording sound; device for testing strings for musical instruments … English contemporary dictionary
phonoscope — pho·no·scope … English syllables
phonoscope — /ˈfoʊnəskoʊp/ (say fohnuhskohp) noun 1. a device by which sound is indicated by the optical phenomena it is made to produce. 2. a device for testing the quality of strings for musical instruments …
phonoscope — ˈfōnəˌskōp noun Etymology: phon + scope : an instrument for observing or exhibiting motions or properties of sounding bodies; especially : a device for testing the quality of musical strings … Useful english dictionary