- azedarach
1> _бот. мелия, ацедарах (дерево с ценной древесиной;
Melia azedarach)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
azedarach — ● azedarach nom masculin Nom spécifique d une méliacée ornementale, usuellement nommée lilas des Indes ou arbre aux chapelets. ⇒AZÉDARAC(H), (AZÉDARAC, AZÉDARACH)subst. masc. BOT. Arbuste de la famille des Méliacées, originaire de l Inde, de la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Azedarach — A*zed a*rach, azederach azederach, n. [F. az[ e]darac, Sp. acederaque, Pers. [=a]z[=a]ddirakht noble tree.] 1. (Bot.) a handsome tree ({Melia azedarach}) of the mahogany family, native to Northern India and China, having long clusters of fragrant … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
azedarach — [ə zed′ə rak΄] n. [< Fr azédarac < Sp acedaraque < Ar āzādirakht < Pers azād diräḥt, lit., free tree] 1. the chinaberry tree 2. the bark of this tree, formerly used as a cathartic, emetic, etc … English World dictionary
Azédarach — Melia azedarach Melia azedarach … Wikipédia en Français
azedarach — noun a) An Asiatic tree (Melia azedarach), common in the southern United States b) The bark of the roots of the azedarach, used as a cathartic and emetic Syn: chinaberry, Pride of India, Pride of China, bead tree … Wiktionary
azedarach — noun tree of northern India and China having purple blossoms and small inedible yellow fruits; naturalized in the southern United States as a shade tree • Syn: ↑chinaberry, ↑chinaberry tree, ↑China tree, ↑Persian lilac, ↑pride of India,… … Useful english dictionary
azedarach — azed·a·rach (ə zedґə rak″) Melia azedarach … Medical dictionary
azedarach — a·zè·da·rach s.f.inv. TS bot.com. pianta asiatica tropicale del genere Melia (Melia azedarach) caratterizzata da semi sferici e durissimi utilizzati per fare, spec. un tempo, corone di rosari, e dalla quale si ricavava un olio usato come lenitivo … Dizionario italiano
azedarach — /euh zed euh rak /, n. chinaberry. [1745 55; < NL < F azédarac Pers azad dirakht noble tree] * * * … Universalium
azedarach — azed·a·rach … English syllables
azedarach — /əˈzɛdəræk/ (say uh zeduhrak) noun → white cedar (def. 1). {French azédarac, from Persian āzād dirakht noble tree} …