- pettable
- [ʹpetəb(ə)l] a
ласковый, нежный
as pettable as a kitten - ласковый как котёнок
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
as pettable as a kitten - ласковый как котёнок
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pettable — adjective Suitable for petting. Syn: strokable … Wiktionary
pettable — pet·ta·ble … English syllables
pettable — ˈped.əbəl, ˈpetə adjective Etymology: pet (III) + able : capable of, fit for, or worthy of being petted … Useful english dictionary
pet — pet1 pettable, adj. /pet/, n., adj., v., petted, petting. n. 1. any domesticated or tamed animal that is kept as a companion and cared for affectionately. 2. a person especially cherished or indulged; favorite: He was the teacher s pet. 3. a… … Universalium
strokable — adjective Suitable for stroking. Syn: pettable … Wiktionary
unpettable — adjective Not pettable; that cannot be petted … Wiktionary
pet|ta|ble — «PEHT uh buhl», adjective. that can be petted: »... as pettable as a kitten (Atlantic) … Useful english dictionary