- peter funk
Peter Funk
1> _ам. _сл. сообщник аукциониста (который набивает цену
на аукционе)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Peter Funk — Peter Pe ter, n. A common baptismal name for a man. The name of one of the apostles, [1913 Webster] {Peter boat}, a fishing boat, sharp at both ends, originally of the Baltic Sea, but now common in certain English rivers. {Peter Funk}, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Peter Funk — (* 22. März 1953 in Kiel) ist ein deutscher Generalmajor und seit dem 30. November 2009 Amtschef des Luftwaffenamtes. Biografie Nach der Schulausbildung in Münster (Westf.) trat er im Juli 1971 in die Luftwaffe ein, absolvierte im Anschluss die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Peter Funk — * Es war Peter Funk. Auch: das hat Peter Funk gethan, Peter Funk hat gefehlt u.s.w. – Peter Funk ist keine wirkliche Person. In Nordamerika bezeichnet man damit den Mann, der bei Versteigerungen, besonders bei den sogenannten Mock Auctionen, im… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
peter funk — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|fəŋk noun Usage: usually capitalized P&F Etymology: from the name Peter Funk (not necessarily in reference to any real person) 1. : swindler 2. : by bidder … Useful english dictionary
Funk (Familienname) — Funk ist ein deutscher Familienname. Bekannte Namensträger Inhaltsverzeichnis A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z … Deutsch Wikipedia
Peter — Pe ter, n. A common baptismal name for a man. The name of one of the apostles, [1913 Webster] {Peter boat}, a fishing boat, sharp at both ends, originally of the Baltic Sea, but now common in certain English rivers. {Peter Funk}, the auctioneer… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Peter boat — Peter Pe ter, n. A common baptismal name for a man. The name of one of the apostles, [1913 Webster] {Peter boat}, a fishing boat, sharp at both ends, originally of the Baltic Sea, but now common in certain English rivers. {Peter Funk}, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Peter pence — Peter Pe ter, n. A common baptismal name for a man. The name of one of the apostles, [1913 Webster] {Peter boat}, a fishing boat, sharp at both ends, originally of the Baltic Sea, but now common in certain English rivers. {Peter Funk}, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Peter's fish — Peter Pe ter, n. A common baptismal name for a man. The name of one of the apostles, [1913 Webster] {Peter boat}, a fishing boat, sharp at both ends, originally of the Baltic Sea, but now common in certain English rivers. {Peter Funk}, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Peter's pence — Peter Pe ter, n. A common baptismal name for a man. The name of one of the apostles, [1913 Webster] {Peter boat}, a fishing boat, sharp at both ends, originally of the Baltic Sea, but now common in certain English rivers. {Peter Funk}, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Funk fingers — are a kind of drumsticks that are attached to the fingers of a bass player for producing extra funky sounds on a bass guitar. They were created by Tony Levin (Peter Gabriel, King Crimson) and his guitar tech, Andy Moore. The aim was to recreate… … Wikipedia