- pernicious anaemia
- [pə͵nıʃəsəʹni:mıə] мед.
злокачественное малокровие
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pernicious anaemia — noun a chronic progressive anemia of older adults; thought to result from a lack of intrinsic factor (a substance secreted by the stomach that is responsible for the absorption of vitamin B12) • Syn: ↑pernicious anemia, ↑malignant anemia,… … Useful english dictionary
pernicious anaemia — a form of anaemia resulting from deficiency of vitamin B12. This in turn results either from failure to produce the substance (intrinsic factor) that facilitates absorption of B12 from the bowel or from dietary deficiency of the vitamin.… … Medical dictionary
pernicious anaemia — a form of anaemia resulting from deficiency of vitamin B12. This in turn results either from failure to produce the substance (intrinsic factor) that facilitates absorption of B12 from the bowel or from dietary deficiency of the vitamin.… … The new mediacal dictionary
pernicious anaemia — also pernicious anemia N UNCOUNT Pernicious anaemia is a very severe blood disease … English dictionary
pernicious anaemia — per.nicious a naemia n [U] medical a severe form of ↑anaemia (=too few red blood cells in the blood) … Dictionary of contemporary English
pernicious anaemia — noun (U) technical a form of severe anaemia (=too few red blood cells in the blood) that will kill the sick person if it is not treated … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
pernicious anaemia — /pənɪʃəs əˈnimiə/ (say puhnishuhs uh neemeeuh) noun a macrocytic anaemia produced by deficient maturation of the red blood cells, and associated with subacute degenerative lesions in the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord, glossitis …
pernicious anaemia — noun a deficiency in the production of red blood cells through a lack of vitamin B12 … English new terms dictionary
Pernicious anemia — Classification and external resources ICD 10 D51.0 ICD 9 281.0 … Wikipedia
anaemia — anaemia, anaemic, anaemically chiefly Brit var of ANEMIA, ANEMIC, ANEMICALLY * * * n. a reduction in the quantity of the oxygen carrying pigment haemoglobin in the blood. The main symptoms are excessive tiredness and fatigability, breathlessness… … Medical dictionary
pernicious anemia — noun a chronic progressive anemia of older adults; thought to result from a lack of intrinsic factor (a substance secreted by the stomach that is responsible for the absorption of vitamin B12) • Syn: ↑pernicious anaemia, ↑malignant anemia,… … Useful english dictionary