- pernancy
- [ʹpɜ:nənsı] n юр.
вступление во владение (чем-л.); получение (ренты и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pernancy — Per nan*cy, n. [OF. prenance, fr. prendre, prenre, penre, to take, L. prendere, prehendere.] (Law) A taking or reception, as the receiving of rents or tithes in kind, the receiving of profits. Blackstone. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pernancy — Taking; a taking or receiving; as of the profits of an estate. Actual pernancy of the profits of an estate is the taking, perception, or receipt of the rents and other advantages arising therefrom … Black's law dictionary
pernancy — /perr neuhn see/, n. Law. a taking or receiving, as of the rents or profits of an estate. [1635 45; alter. of AF pernance, metathetic var. of OF prenance lit., a taking, equiv. to pren , pretonic s. of prendre to take ( < L pre(he)ndere; see… … Universalium
pernancy — n. receiving, acceptance of profits (Law) … English contemporary dictionary
pernancy — per·nan·cy … English syllables
pernancy — n. Law, receiving … Dictionary of difficult words
pernancy — The taking, perception, or receipt of the rents, profits, or other advantages arising from an estate in real property. See 2 Bl Comm 163 … Ballentine's law dictionary
pernancy — ˈpərnənsē noun ( es) Etymology: Anglo French pernance (alteration of Old French prenance, from prendre to take from Latin prehendere to seize, grasp + ance) + English y more at get : a taking or receiving of something (as profits or rents or… … Useful english dictionary
Pern — Pern, v. t. [See {Pernancy}.] To take profit of; to make profitable. [Obs.] Sylvester. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pernor — /perr neuhr, nawr/, n. Law. a person who takes or receives the rents, profits, or other benefit of an estate, lands, etc. [1300 50; ME pernour < AF, metathetic var. of OF preneor taker, equiv. to pren (see PERNANCY) + eor OR2] * * * … Universalium
estate in expectancy — One which is not yet in possession, but the enjoyment of which is to begin at a future time. An estate giving a present or vested contingent right of future enjoyment. One in which the right to pernancy of the profits is postponed to some future… … Black's law dictionary