- permanent teeth
- [͵pɜ:mənəntʹti:θ]
постоянные зубы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Permanent teeth — Adult mouth showing full set of permanent teeth. Latin dentes permanentes Code TA … Wikipedia
permanent teeth — noun The adult teeth, which come after the milk teeth lost in childhood • • • Main Entry: ↑permanent … Useful english dictionary
permanent teeth — the 32 teeth of the second dentition, which begin to appear in humans at about 6 years of age. The first molars appear first, followed by the mandibular central and lateral incisors, maxillary central incisors, maxillary lateral incisors,… … Medical dictionary
permanent teeth — teeth that replace one s baby teeth … English contemporary dictionary
permanent dentition — permanent teeth; see under tooth … Medical dictionary
permanent tooth — n one of the second set of teeth of a mammal that follow the milk teeth, typically persist into old age, and in humans are 32 in number including 4 incisors, 2 canines, and 10 premolars and molars in each jaw … Medical dictionary
permanent tooth — n. any of the set of 32 adult human teeth that replace the milk teeth, including 4 cuspids, 8 bicuspids, 8 incisors, and 12 molars … English World dictionary
permanent tooth — noun Date: 1836 any of the second set of teeth of a mammal that follow the milk teeth, typically persist into old age, and in humans are 32 in number … New Collegiate Dictionary
permanent tooth — any of the 32 adult teeth that replace the 20 milk teeth. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium
permanent tooth — per′manent tooth′ n. den one of the teeth of a mammal, in humans amounting to 32, that erupt with or after the loss of the deciduous teeth and remain for most of adult life • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang
permanent tooth — noun any of the 32 teeth that replace the deciduous teeth of early childhood and (with luck) can last until old age • Syn: ↑adult tooth • Hypernyms: ↑tooth … Useful english dictionary