- periscopic
- [͵perıʹskɒpık] a
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
periscopic — periscópic adj. m., pl. periscópici; f. sg. periscópică, pl. periscópice Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic PERISCÓPIC, Ă adj. (Despre lentile) Care are una dintre feţe plană sau concavă şi cealaltă convexă. [ … Dicționar Român
Periscopic — Per i*scop ic, a. [Cf. F. p[ e]riscopique.] Viewing all around, or on all sides. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] {Periscopic spectacles} (Opt.), spectacles having concavo convex or convexo concave lenses with a considerable curvature corresponding… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
periscopic — [per΄ə skäp′ik] adj. 1. providing clear lateral or oblique range of view, as certain lenses 2. of or by a periscope … English World dictionary
periscopic — adjective Date: 1804 1. providing a view all around or on all sides < periscopic lens > 2. of or relating to a periscope … New Collegiate Dictionary
periscopic — periscope ► NOUN ▪ a tube attached to a set of mirrors or prisms, by which an observer in a submerged submarine or behind an obstacle can see things that are otherwise out of sight. DERIVATIVES periscopic adjective … English terms dictionary
periscopic — adj. of a periscope. Phrases and idioms: periscopic lens a lens allowing distinct vision over a wide angle. Derivatives: periscopically adv … Useful english dictionary
Periscopic spectacles — Periscopic Per i*scop ic, a. [Cf. F. p[ e]riscopique.] Viewing all around, or on all sides. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] {Periscopic spectacles} (Opt.), spectacles having concavo convex or convexo concave lenses with a considerable curvature… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
periscopic — /per euh skop ik/, adj. 1. Optics. (of certain lenses in special microscopes, cameras, etc.) giving distinct vision obliquely, or all around, as well as, or instead of, in a direct line. 2. pertaining to periscopes or their use. Also,… … Universalium
periscopic — adjective Relating to periscopes and their use. Syn: periscopical … Wiktionary
periscopic — Denoting that which gives the ability to see objects to one side as well as in the direct axis of vision. [peri + G. skopeo, to view] * * * peri·scop·ic .per ə skäp ik adj giving a distinct image of objects viewed obliquely as well as those in a… … Medical dictionary
periscòpic — pe|ris|cò|pic Mot Pla Adjectiu variable … Diccionari Català-Català