- periphrastic
- [perıʹfræstık] a
1. изобилующий перифразами, иносказательный, перифрастический2. грам. описательный
periphrastic conjugation - описательное спряжение (с помощью вспомогательного глагола)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
periphrastic conjugation - описательное спряжение (с помощью вспомогательного глагола)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Periphrastic — Per i*phras tic, Periphrastical Per i*phras tic*al, a. [Gr. ?: cf. F. p[ e]riphrastique.] Expressing, or expressed, in more words than are necessary; characterized by periphrase; circumlocutory. [1913 Webster] {Periphrastic conjugation} (Gram.),… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
periphrastic — index indirect, redundant, turgid Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
periphrastic — 1805, from Gk. periphrastikos, from periphrazein (see PERIPHRASIS (Cf. periphrasis)) … Etymology dictionary
periphrastic — [per΄i fras′tik] adj. [ML periphrasticus < Gr periphrastikos] 1. of, like, or expressed in periphrasis 2. Gram. formed with a particle or an auxiliary verb instead of by inflection (Ex.: the phrase did sing used for the inflected form sang)… … English World dictionary
periphrastic — adjective /ˌpɛ.ɹɪˈfɹæ.stik,ˌpɛ.ɹəˈfɹæ.stɪk,ˌpɛ.ɹəˈfɹæ.stɪk/ a) Expressed in more words than are necessary. As poetry it does not measure up to Aasen; as translation it is periphrastic, arbitrary, not at all faithful. b) Indirect in naming an… … Wiktionary
periphrastic — adjective Date: 1805 1. of, relating to, or characterized by periphrasis 2. formed by the use of function words or auxiliaries instead of by inflection < more fair is a periphrastic comparative > • periphrastically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
periphrastic — adjective the periphrastic nature of legal syntax Syn: circumlocutory, circuitous, roundabout, indirect, tautological, pleonastic, prolix, verbose, wordy, long winded, rambling, wandering, tortuous, diffuse … Thesaurus of popular words
periphrastic — /pɛriˈfræstɪk / (say peree frastik) adjective 1. circumlocutory; roundabout. 2. Grammar a. denoting a construction of two or more words with a class meaning which in other languages or in other forms of the same language is expressed by… …
periphrastic — periphrasis ► NOUN (pl. periphrases) ▪ the use of indirect and roundabout language; circumlocution. DERIVATIVES periphrastic adjective. ORIGIN from Greek peri around + phrazein declare … English terms dictionary
Periphrastic conjugation — Periphrastic Per i*phras tic, Periphrastical Per i*phras tic*al, a. [Gr. ?: cf. F. p[ e]riphrastique.] Expressing, or expressed, in more words than are necessary; characterized by periphrase; circumlocutory. [1913 Webster] {Periphrastic… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
periphrastic conjugation — noun conjugation formed by the use of the simple verb with one or more auxiliaries The active periphrastic conjugation in Latin is formed by using the future active participle and the appropriate form of esse … Wiktionary